Strange Hours
True to its name, this supplement to Mall Madness features encounters and rules for a shopping mall with fantastical elements, and even truly weird and paranormal settings that merely wear the skin of a 'mall'. You should decide upfront roughly what level of weirdness feels right for your story. You can dial it back or ramp it up as you play, and you can always use elements of an Adversity Character without committing to its whole list of Moves, or limiting yourself only to its list of Moves.
OmegaMall™ normally closes at 9PM, a normal mall where normal people go to buy normal goods in normal shops and return home to normal lives. And that includes your MCs and their Clique. Ordinary rules and common sense apply at all times.
Note that 'normal' here needn't exclude "my character is an elf" or "my character is a foxtaur", if elves or foxtaurs exist normally in your setting! 'Normal' refers to the MCs' and other characters' perception of normalcy versus uncanniness. You can set your mall as a spaceport, an open-air fantasy bazaar, or even throw 'realism' to the wind entirely, and all of those will work just fine without this supplement.
Rather, if you want to treat OmegaMall™ as a 'normal' place with something abnormal in it, or an unexpected interplanar destination, or otherwise confront your MCs with things they find strange and fantastical, read on! In keeping with the loose theme of closing time, the ACs that follow will break into four groups for easy organization:
- Closing Midnight: the mall may seem normal, so do all the people and goods and shops at first, but under the veneer of normalcy, something abnormal waits for you to find it. A mysterious stranger, a curious shop, a 'special' product, or a wing of the mall you can't find on the kiosk map. But don't make a scene--because almost everyone and everything still thinks of this as normal, and you don't want any awkward questions you can't answer.
- Closing §©:†þ: you might have thought you walked into your familiar downtown mall, but you've left it somehow. Now that you look up and pay attention, you can't see any normal people, or normal shops, and you might not return to any normal life. But have you entered an afterlife? And if so . . . what kind?
- Closing Never: you'd best hope you haven't entered a true afterlife, that you'll find some way to escape this place--but probably not intact. Yet if you can pay the price, you can buy a lot more than mere merchandise, and the 'shops' do have their attractions . . .
- Omegalopolis™: why stop at closing time? This section leaves room for the uncanniness of the other sections, but doesn't include any of its own, instead focusing on expanding the self-contained setting of a mall into a larger city to explore, and with guidance on adjusting this game to different settings and genres, for "what if we want a spaceport, or a fantasy bazaar".
- A Life Outside
- Closing Midnight
- Closing §©:†þ
- Closing Never
- Omegalopolis™
A Life Outside
Mostly useful if you choose the Closing §©:†þ or Closing Never modes of play, you may find it a helpful roleplay prompt to ask each other what your respective MCs 'have to go home to'--both as obligations and as reprieves.
To start, say for your MC, "I have to get home to my--" (choose one: spouse, hobby, pet, TV, job, bed)
- Your spouse, or family generally, make up your social ties outside of your friends, milieu, and Clique. These people care about you and depend on you, and likely you depend on them, even if you've insulated them from your other social life.
- Your hobby makes up the pursuits you have for improving yourself or creating things or exploring the world: model airplanes, travel photography, dress-making, insect collection, something external to you that you choose for yourself.
- Your pet gives companionship at a minimum of commitment and demands on your time and attention, reducing some of the alienation and isolation when away from the mall.
- Your TV gives you entertainment and distraction from the world, a way to forget about today until you sleep and face tomorrow.
- Your job keeps you housed and fed, and while it doesn't give any fulfillment, belonging, or maybe even prospects, it at least affords enough leisure time to spend with your friends at the mall.
- Your bed lets you sleep, a safe place removed from obligations and expectations, a respite from both work and loneliness.
Choose one of these for your own MC, and ask the other player about theirs in detail. Where do they live? What does your MC know about it? Do the others of the Clique know about it, or care? What does the mall and the Clique give them that they don't have at home? What doesn't the mall or Clique give them, that they need to go home for? This supplement never leaves OmegaMall™. Do you want to?
Closing Midnight
These entries each offer Something Weird, but intentionally work best in isolation, with the other ACs of your story coming from Mall Madness, the normal mall. This will preserve the 'veneer of normalcy', of a setting where no one else sees a reason to freak out (yet), unless you give them one (by freaking out). But you might use several or all of these in Closing §©:†þ, along with ACs specific to that mode.
- Segues and Setpieces
- Store-Specific Specialties
- Lacuna Locations
- Sandwich Sultan
- Stoner's Novelties and Gifts
- Flower Shop
- Splendor Shots
- A Shrine?
Segues and Setpieces
These one-off products, items, obscure corners, or phenomena could appear anywhere in the 'normal' mall, or within an otherwise normal shop. In isolation, they can make for the start of humorous hijinks, or surreal experiences, or even unsettling investigation into something inexplicable. But, even if your MCs don't follow these 'white rabbits', you'll still have fun encountering the uncanny!
When you give any of these to a side-character, just trust your judgment, in general a Status on a side-character works best as an Edge that any MC can apply to any suitable Action on that side-character. The rules listed here assume your MC has used the product themselves (or had it used on them).
Consult Mall Madness' Countdowns for detailed guidance and suggestions. For general orientation, if your MC tries to resist something physical, use Brace; if they try to resist something mental, use Give In. Most effects that wear off over time work by applying a Danger to some Action(s), for a number of consecutive Actions or scenes.
Peculiar Products: strange items or effects one can purchase, and possibly foist off onto someone unsuspecting.
- Stiffie: a tasty icy drink, the 'Pet' flavor gives the drinker a craving for affection and approval from the drink-giver (or just anyone, if the drinker purchased it themselves). Adds a Danger to all Actions of [pet me] (the MC must seek out and obviously solicit affection), but grants a refreshing Edge of [adorable] or similar (other characters want to give patronizing affection). Also available in 'Stud', 'Slut', 'Simp', and 'Nasty' flavors!
- SLUT collar: make a really daring fashion statement (or get someone else to), everyone will know the wearer "is just a slut, and that's normal for a slut". Specifically, no bystanders will ever remark or object in a way that matters, when anyone initiates something sexual on the wearer. Bystanders will notice, and judge, loudly, if the wearer initiates--but the bystanders won't stop it.
- Beefcake Shake: it has a salty, savory, bitter, funny taste, but it kicks in right away, with an Edge for [intimidating] on any Action, others very aware that the drinker could fold them in half. But it comes with a Danger of [split seams], flexing hard enough to burst off pieces of clothing.
- Bimbo-Band: a really cool sweatband that makes it . . . really hard to think about anything but sex. But, anytime the wearer already has a Danger for being sexually preoccupied, horny, needy, or aggressive, this gives a temporary Edge, [not now], suddenly very focused on figuring out or noticing solutions to problems--in order to get to the sex.
- Mood Music: somehow this set of tunes (cassette, CD, MP3-player, streaming playlist) has an uncanny fit to other people's groove. You have a permanent Danger of [WHAT?], mishearing or not hearing others' words or other sounds, but an [in the groove] Edge for knowing exactly others' mood, interest, what might ply them for you, including what kind of dance moves to make.
Strange Sightings: unnerving, unsettling, or uncanny phenomena, people, or locations one can pursue, that may lead the MCs away from normalcy.
- OmegaVision™: the music and video on the ubiquitous display monitors around the mall show . . . scenes you can't really explain, often intercut with shots that look like CCTV of different areas of the mall, and the mall's DJ chiming in to "find out what you're missing".
- Curious Cliques: your rival Clique, and possibly one friendly Clique, seem--different, still just as annoying as ever, but weirdly secretive, and weirdly interested in you. Did they always say that odd catchphrase in unison like that?
- Not Closed For Maintenance: despite what the sign or barrier says, they didn't actually lock the door to this shop or hall, and with no one looking, you can walk right in! It all looks normal and functional, but a little--unfamiliar.
- Tough Shopkeep: you've never seen this clerk here before, and unlike the one you'd gotten familiar with, they seem very insistent on making a sale--on a specific item. But they'll mark it down to practically free if you use/try/wear it in the store right now! Or, 'give your word' that you will, soon, just sign here.
- The Marker Hall: you wouldn't easily notice this half-lit hall, it probably used to serve as an exit, but now just ends with a blank wall. Or, not blank: the narrow doorless hall still smells of fresh marker-solvent, some of the mural-work long worn away, other patches fresh, reaching even over the floor, green, blue, red, black, and highlighter, ivy vines reading "kills 99.9% of credit-card debt" and Christmas light strings spelling "unleaded milk, use only as directed".
Store-Specific Specialties
A few venues or encounters in OmegaMall™ lend themselves especially to hiding an abnormal event, effect, or phenomenon, something that may pass unnoticed . . . or that those who do notice might still never mention.
Action Arcade has a very unique version of 'The Tetris Effect' in one of their adult game cabinets. Players find themselves more and more compelled to re-enact the erotic animations and fetish cut-scenes from the game. They earn lots of store credit and merch, but with a Danger of later [reflexes] kicking in unexpectedly, the player unthinkingly reacting like the porn-game main character.
Boutique Bookstore, Mondo Matinee, or possibly Action Arcade, may have a very curious 'cosplayer' appear when the venue has no one else there. Stepping as if from nowhere, a character from the book, film, or game your MC loves (or loves to hate), fully real--and fully aware they come from a work of fiction.
Discreet Dealer has to keep up with new demands, y'know? Premium deluxe exclusive boutique Wizard Weed: the rolling paper of these joints has inscrutable sigils on it, and it smells and tastes ha-ha-funny. Smoking one gives you a temporary Edge for a random one of the following spells, which you can definitely do with magic psychic powers: [Awaken Inanimate], [Charm Monster], [Turn Gender], [Detect Evil Or Horny], [Fireball], [Summon Dire Squirrel]. Okay, maybe you just burned a can of hairspray, but people don't normally run in panic from an ordinary squirrel on the loose, right?
Obscured Offices has some memos on a desk, and nosing through them you find mention of 'recommended procedures', in the event of 'spontaneous activation', 'delta-wave detection', and 'effects on personnel'. This--doesn't actually seem fine or normal. Psychic experiments? And the date says . . . yesterday.
Sensuous Spa can relax you so well, you forget all your troubles--including some you might want to keep. When you enjoy their services, name one thing your MC wants to let go of, and one thing your MC wants to hold onto. Then, make a special roll to Forget: let worries, cares, and a suitable Status slip away. Danger: you forget something important about yourself or something you care about. For extra teeth, this can take the form of losing a permanent Edge your MC has, but it can include anything you'd want to see your MC just stop caring about.
Slack Security keeps quietly conferring with nondescript people in black suits and shades. You can make out questions about 'sightings', and asking about descriptions, and 'ensuring cooperation'. You probably should stay away, and keep a sharp eye out yourself . . .
Tenacious Tunes has a recording booth in the back, everyone knows that. But most don't know that if you ask to make a 'special recording', you can record your own obsessions, fixations, attractions, or sensations. Only genuine performances work, but for anyone hearing the recording, it makes a powerful impression--whether they like it or not.
Closing Time seems more nebulous than usual. Does anyone else notice the lights hissing and sputtering? It seems like only over you, when you look back behind you, the recessed bulbs look normal. You keep seeing silhouettes and and edges of a cat--the same cat?--all through the parking-lot. And when you reach your car, you only now notice signs insisting on reverse parking. And your car sits reversed in the spot--with a weird rightward lean. You--probably don't need to worry. Right?
Lacuna Locations
You might notice a few shops that you hadn't seen before. But when did these stores open? What do they even sell? And . . . did they replace something? Do you remember anything that you don't see?
Sandwich Sultan
You didn't know the mall ever had one, but you found it through a service doorway in the halls of the administrative offices, the exterior walled off from the rest of the mall. Somehow you never noticed it out there, and as the admin hallways have such a convoluted layout, you couldn't guess where in the 'public' mall you would even come out, if you could get through the door, which you can't for the--it looks like drywall?--blocking the way. But the place looks completely untouched as if it just closed for the day after cleanup . . .
Soft Moves:
- Behind the counter you find a stack of those crepe-paper turbans they have for kids. They still pop up!
- They cleaned all the supplies out of the kitchen, but somehow the soda in the fountain still seems fresh--though the buttons don't have labels on them anymore.
- You see something scratched into one of the tables. You can't quite make it out, but you saw something like it elsewhere. Or you will.
- You--must have missed the neatly-wrapped sandwich and carton of falafels and the drink, on the counter. The drink fizzes and the falafels sizzle.
Normal Moves:
- The rest of the mall always has at least a background bustle and murmur, not eerily quiet like this.
- The little seating dividers still have their planter-pots in them, the plants still green.
- Without a radio, or television, or kitchen bustle, or other patrons, your thoughts drift to strange things.
- You really have no idea of your location relative to the rest of the mall. You can find your way back through the admin halls . . . right?
Hard Moves:
- The cash register still lights up--but you don't know the code to pop the drawer, or where they put the key.
- The door to the admin halls locked behind you--how will you get out now?
- The lights flicker--but instead of total darkness, you see through the windows! But not long enough to see what--
- You realize, you don't recognize any of the entries on the menu. You can read them, but they don't make sense--
Stoner's Novelties and Gifts
Well, you've heard of this, but didn't know the mall had one here. Lots of weird motorized spinning things, blacklight posters, 'water pipes' definitely intended for 'tobacco', 3D holographic plates . . . really, really entrancing, really . . .
Soft Moves:
- Hey, a bottle of--actually, you don't know what, just 'Brand New Designer Exotic Imported Guaranteed Legal'. Capsule pills rattle around inside, but it has a tamper-seal, unbroken . . .
- A bit less trustworthy, a jar of something called 'Party Potion', you can open it easily enough, it looks almost like vividly colored petroleum jelly. Do you--eat it, or drink it, or smear it--?
- Some of these 'desk ornaments' look uncannily lifelike even for fictional creatures: 'Dragon Snatch', 'Goblin Sausage', 'Bionic Booty', 'Triffid Stamen', 'Xeno-Mouth', 'Cyber-Connector'. This sort of thing usually has a suction-cup. These have weird adhesive pads . . .
- You get caught up staring at one of the blacklight holographic cross-eye diffraction posters. In the shifting images you saw a bunch of maybe-things, but one looked really familiar--you swear you've seen it somewhere.
- One of those puzzle-kit mechanical sculpture sets, 'full assembly required'. You don't recognize all the words on the huge box, and can't quite tell what the finished picture does, but--it looks huge and cool and it does something!
Normal Moves:
- The clerk smells blatantly like weed, though they seem pretty alert, very attentive even.
- You can't place the music playing, you haven't heard it before, and can't even make out the vocals, but it sounds really catchy!
- Dazzling fluorescent colors, dizzying spinning patterns, and that's just with you sober--you think.
- Your Clique keeps getting distracted too--
Hard Moves:
- One poster makes you especially anxious, like vertigo, things keep shifting around you while others bustle past--
- You can't seem to take off this Slap-Bracelet, printed "Admit One" like a ticket--but to what?
- This pair of 'Aura Perception Glasses' just looks blurry and fuzzy--except for the sharp, dark shape you see on one of your Clique. You still seem to see it when you take the glasses off.
- The tangle of cables on the display shelf knocks a lava-lamp into a neon sign, and breaks an electric-eye globe--you wake up from the shock, amid a puddle of twitching, electric, neon-bubbling lava-goo. Probably fine--right?
Flower Shop
Really, the sign just says 'Flower Shop', but they do have a wide range of flowers on display. Yet somehow, no roses, or lilacs, or orchids. Instead, a lot of gorgeous species you can't remember ever seeing before. They smell lovely, too . . .
Soft Moves:
- The shopkeep offers you a single flower for free, saying it suits you. It looks like origami at first, the petals strangely angular, with a color you've never seen before.
- A selection of 'essence extracts', hand-labeled [irresistible], and [convincing], but also things like [accepting] and [eager] . . .
- The shopkeep offers a cup of tea, freshly brewed, from some of the 'special specimens'.
- Behind the towering stalks and curtaining vines, air filled with pollen and nectar, with the hissing misters leaving the leaves dripping, you can't even see outside--and vice versa.
Normal Moves:
- The shopkeep looks really youthful and healthy, but also still and serene, making them seem young and old at once.
- They make small-talk almost to themselves about tea infusions, especially 'datura' and 'aglaophotis' . . .
- High hanging planters sway from ceiling hooks and dangle vines, while stalks grow woven through trellis divider-walls.
- The purplish lighting on the green growth leaves the store almost gloomy, and the misters give the air a hazy glow like a dream.
Hard Moves:
- Sniffing one of the flowers, with brightly-colored leaves, the tingling and prickling spreads before you can even breathe back out, but . . . you can't focus over the sound of rustling leaves whispering.
- You didn't even see any thorns, but your finger stings for a moment, with tiny hairlike bristles--and you taste something floral and sweet, almost immediately.
- While looking at one of the miniature shrubs trying to figure out where it came from, something brightly-colored tickles as it crawls its way down your wrist and under your clothes--
- You can't find the shopkeep now, and didn't see what your Clique member got into, but they seem really spaced-out. They look a little greenish, and smell like flowers long after you leave.
Splendor Shots
You knew the mall had one of these, but never visited till now. With a range of backdrops, props, and costumes, they can stage most any kind of portrait or tableau you could want, but check the effects closely. They don't look very realistic--at first.
Soft Moves:
- They'll style your hair and do your makeup before the shoot!
- When one of your Clique holds up 'bunny-ears' behind your head for the shot, one of the staff brings out a full costume with bunny-ears.
- Nice of them to let you keep the costumes, but it does feel a little . . . weird--
- Dressed up like this, you might replace a bad social Status like [suspicious] or [humiliated] with a weird one like [in costume] or [forgotten futurist].
Normal Moves:
- Appropriately, they have a photo-book on the desk, showing the huge array of sets, costumes, and effects on offer--ooh, and this one looks great!
- hey don't play any Top 40s, or even muzak, just quiet while setting up a shot.
- You somehow never see the faces of the photographer or assistant or even the clerk . . .
- Another waiting patron already looks stunning--but really unhappy for some reason.
Hard Moves:
- You get the prints back right away! But the shoot didn't have anyone pose fawning on you like this--who is that?
- Wait, where'd your original clothes go--
- That waiting patron finally walks up, grabs you, and says "you'll do!" as they drag you to the set--
- The effects stick after the shoot: a rose-tint leaving you [smitten], black-and-white leaving you [desensitized] and needing more stimulation, or even negative-exposure reversing all of your Statuses.
A Shrine?
Or some kind of chapel? It looks like barely a small alcove, enough room for a few people to stand together inside without crowding, as if from under the rain. You can't tell what religion, if any, but it still somehow seems 'sacred'.
Soft Moves:
- Whether from a trick of acoustics or just the vibes, stepping inside it seems like the arcade outside falls quiet, leaving you alone with your thoughts, and possibly a Status like [insight], [epiphany], or [determined].
- With no one here to preach to you, or even tell you to move along, you can stand here as long as you like, possibly long enough to shed a Status like [panicked], [anxious], or [indecisive].
- Indeed, it doesn't seem like anyone even looks into this alcove, much less enters it, if you rest here long enough you might even shed a status like [intoxicated], [hurt], or [fatigued].
- Behind the 'counter' in a small cabinet, you find a slot-topped collection box. It has something that shifts around inside.
Normal Moves:
- The deep, plush carpeting contrasts with the tile flooring of rest of the mall, silencing your steps.
- Candles burn on shallow shelves giving the room a warm glow, somehow none of them with any puddled wax.
- The ceiling has only blank, smooth paneling, not even any light fixtures. Like it shouldn't have electric lights.
- So who put all these candles up and keeps them lit, anyway?
Hard Moves:
- What looks at first like a checkout counter now looks a lot more like an altar. Clean, smooth, unremarkable, but definitely not made for exchanging money.
- With no idea what faith this place serves, how would you know if you did something blasphemous? You can't shake the feeling that it would matter, somehow.
- 'Sacrilege' would definitely include forcing open the locked collection box. Even if it doesn't contain money.
- Would it also include getting nasty behind that altar, while 'no one' looks in?
Closing §©:†þ
These Adversity Characters connect to each other, in a way that Closing Midnight ACs don't. No one else sees a reason to freak out, but you might. Many of these ACs or combinations of ACs will make it difficult to escape leave the mall, but why would you want to? Just for a change of pace though, you might round things out with some unaltered ACs from 'Closing 9PM', the normal Mall Madness, though these stores, events, or people might pose the most risk of all: why would this one thing seem normal in such a surreal place?
- Corners and Crossings
- Weird Wares
- Eerie Encounters
- Familiarly Foreign
- Your Clique's Cloister
- Boozehound's Bar
- The Exclusive Exhibit
- Flashy Fashion
- Industrial Ink
- Quixotic Quisine
- Workout Warehouse
- Closing Time
- Suspicious Storefronts
- Crystal Cove
- MugenMart
- Party Province
- Psomgaram
- Unnatural Wonders
Corners and Crossings
Your MCs came from a 'normal' world, at least passingly like our own, and probably thought they'd entered a normal mall they've frequented in the past. If you want to shake the MCs of this misconception, use any of these, as ideas to let your MCs, in-character, realize they've officially left Kansas. And you might also use a similar transition if the MCs find a way away from surreality, and back into (or at least toward) normalcy.
- You walk from the mezzanine balcony to the escalator downward, passing through the orange sunbeams slanting through the skylight, down to the commons, and turn to walk along one of the arcades, round a corner--onto a balcony mezzanine, ahead you see an escalator going downward, under a skylight showing heavy rainclouds--
- When it seems like no one will see, you and your friend fish in the fountain pool for change--there's one coin that looks really weird. But they bump you fully into the pool, you drag them in, and when you clear your eyes . . . you can't tell if you really cleared your eyes. Where'd all these people come from--?
- You see a face in profile, crossing the long arcade ahead of you--but it looks as big as a parade float. The face turns toward you, looks at you--and yes, it looks like a giant, their head simply floating as wide as the hall between the storefronts, then it turns and keeps going on its way.
- For once, you can't find any employees or clerks in the store to ring you up--not until one of the mannequins looks over, steps down from its stand, and silently walks behind the cash register, hand held out expectantly.
- You just couldn't wait to listen to the new tunes you bought. Sitting on a bench, music cranked, bobbing your head, you closed your eyes and drifted away--and when you opened them again, everything . . . does seem to fit the music. But definitely not the mall you bought it in.
- After spending some time meditating in The Crystal Cove, you feel like maybe you really did 'raise your vibration'! But when did this sci-fi convention start up? The costumes look really realistic, even the masks. But how did they get all the benches to actually hover like this?
Weird Wares
Buyer beware the vast variety of paranormal products and supernatural services you can find just lying around, for sale at kiosk carts and vending machines and stranger points of sale besides. While you might enjoy some of these products yourself, for others, you might rather give than receive. For a refresher, see the advice for the Closing Midnight Segues and Setpieces on handling these in the rules.
- Instalose artificial sweetener! Just one packet of this in any drink or snack, and defeat will taste delicious. It'll knock you on your knees, back, or ass-up, and ready to take your lickings, dickings, or otherwise with a smile! In particular, it can prevent an MC from acquiring a new Status, by replacing it with [begging for it] lasting for three Actions.
- Cummies taste great! They don't cause orgasm, but do make sure that whenever you next ejaculate, you'll spunk, squirt, or both, longer and more than probably healthy or safe. For even more fun, share the fun, by putting them somewhere other than your mouth, your partner will be amazed at their own performance! But make sure you hydrate, with--
- Monster Dick Energy! For when you really need to fuck like a beast, grow the right equipment! One full-size can and you'll have three scenes with a truly monstrous cock--whether you started with one or not. (And decide OOCly where the balance lies between monster size and monster kind.)
- Bumble-Gum: prone to 'slip-ups', mistakes, or 'mistakes'? Or think you might have one soon? Chew some Bumble-Gum, and for the rest of the scene enjoy the [rubbery] effects!
- Spunktan Lotion will give you the best sort of tan-lines to show off! Apply this tiny little tube to any part of your skin, and that spot will make anyone come uncontrollably! Reapply after one scene.
- Whipped Cream on the other hand will put you right in your place. Buttery, creamy, and slippery, add it to a treat or beautify your skin, and enjoy three scenes of both [alluringly smooth] and [whipped], needing approval or gratification from anyone who might give it to you.
- Massage-O-Mat: the current state of the art, from SpaceTrends PleasureTronix™, put in a coin, climb inside, and feel the stress spill right out of you! Replace any one mental Status with [spent] for the rest of this scene and the next. You will have to wipe down the machine for the next eager customers in line.
- Pop-Ur-Rocks! From the makers of Cummies, this new non-oral candy will turn any hole you hold it in into a delight everyone will rave about. The fizzing, bubbling, buzzing action will give your partner such mind-melting pleasure it will ruin anyone for marriage! And replace the Danger of your next Action with "the recipient of your attentions gets instantly addicted", probably from all of the Instalose.
- Nookies don't just hit the spot--they make the spot for others to hit! These light, puffy, fluffy, bouncy, otherwise nondescript pastries will give you three scenes with a fully-sensitive, fully-developed pussy! But for filling it in any other sense, satisfaction not guaranteed.
Eerie Encounters
Where Corners and Crossings lets your MCs know they've entered somewhere strange, these freaky phenomena and inexplicable incidents give your MCs something strange to do. Consider these as addenda to Plaza Parade atop the mundane Moves from Mall Madness, though they may just as easily occur in other locations. And definitely do take the mundane locations' Moves for a weird ride.
The Ancient and Mystical Order of the Ruby Chalice claims to know the secrets of history, destiny, the universe, the arcane, personal growth, and everything They don't want you to know. And the representative in the strange yet stylish embroidered tunic shows a really professional business card with their rank on it. You might want to get them to tell you a little more first, before paying up to sit in on the seminar starting very soon. Or, for motivated initiates, they can waive the fee . . .
Construction Under Way nearly blocking off an arcade, piled up reddish-brown clay and dirt, beside a deep, neat rectangular hole cut into the polished tile floor. They really should have some kind of safety barrier around it. Someone has recently dug a tunnel in each direction, and piled it all up in that huge clay mound on the edge of the pit. But you don't see any rope or ladder, or anyone in the pit now . . .
The Directory seems more like the misdirectory, the more you look at it the less sense the layout makes--you can always spot something familiar, but not where you'd think, and always next to something you don't remember. But trying to get your bearings even on the map itself, you finally see 'You Are Her'. Not--'here'? But sure enough, when you look at yourself, you've become 'her'. Besides how that happened, you should probably figure out anything about 'her', besides what she looks like, you know that much already. At least any social Statuses you had stop applying as long as you stay 'her'!
Disassembling Dolls seem to peek through the meandering crowds, or the same doll? Never in the same place twice, and it seems like whenever you look for it, you see it in tidy dismantled pieces--but still wearing that really awesome outfit. One of the cooler clothing stores must use it for advertising. If only you could figure out where it came from--or why it keeps falling apart. Or how it keeps reassembling when you can't see.
Escherlators cris-cross above the main plaza, sometimes pivoting like a turnstile to a different mezzanine or in a different direction, shoppers nonchalantly riding them sideways and upside-down. If you could figure out how to reach one, and then how to stand sideways, you could see what those really wild-looking shops have for sale--or you could lose someone on your trail. But if you don't already have anything helpful for non-Euclidean navigation, you'll get a Status of [dislocated] until you can figure out where you've ended up in relation to anywhere else.
The Fountain Pool seems--a lot bigger than reasonable, big enough that no one has cleaned up or removed the several . . . blow-up dolls? Flat, deflated, but they look like blow-up dolls, drifting placidly on the rippling surface. You don't see any coins in the pool, even, just these deflated inflatables, drifting aimlessly, as if watching the skylights--wait, what skylights--?
Succulent Trees in massive terra-cotta pots seem to watch from the corners of the arcades and intersections, wide waxy-green stalks seeming more like graceful life-size statues than any tree or bush or fern. And with smooth beckoning and suspiciously-placed limbs and 'stalks', and fragrant floral pitcher-like heads, you might think of doing more than just smelling the flowers. Any MC who successfully Sneaks to fertilize (or get fertilized by) the alluring arboretum will enjoy three scenes of [arresting aroma], others unable to think of anything but your fresh fragrance while you use this Edge (and replacing any smell-adjacent Status you might have). But increase a Mall-wide Countdown ('Buying Time', hits at three failures) toward 'Perambulating Plants', the fertilized flowers growing (and growing feisty), eventually pulling up roots with redecorating ideas of their own.
Sympathetic Screens seem to follow you everywhere: an indistinct figure, almost a silhouette, leans into frame on the various OmegaVision™ monitors and storefront screens, seamlessly superimposing over stock footage, advertisements, or animations. If you have any negative emotional Statuses, it beckons closer--but how could you get close enough to hear?
Your Rival Clique seems . . . 'normal'? They walk and talk with each other, and turn to sneer at you, and you can't tell at a glance if they always dressed like that, or if they have any . . . weird new additions--or subtractions. But they also don't seem to notice anything amiss. Don't they see? Well, if not, you don't need to 'enlighten' them just yet. You definitely could turn this to your advantage, and it definitely won't go wrong.
Familiarly Foreign
You'll see some storefront signs you recognize, but the interior, the merchandise, and the staff, not so much. And the venue names now seem only abstractly, or even ironically related to the corporate-approved business model you've learned to know and trust or tolerate. The shape seems deceptively familiar, but the content not at all what you expected. Use these to prolong your MCs' uncertainty about OmegaMall™'s (un)reality, giving them somewhere they can mistake for 'normal', or at least, normal enough to debate where they've arrived and what's happened to them.
Your Clique's Cloister
It doesn't seem quite like yours, anymore. Not only do you not recognize the staff today, you don't quite recognize the posters, or the displays, or the usually-familiar music playing. But the clerk still lets you loiter as long as you like. Do they recognize you?
- Did they always have changing rooms here? Looks like one for each of your Clique, unusually brightly-lit, each with a full mirror and a bench long enough to lie down on.
- . . . And a single light-switch, that works. Turning it off completely darkens the changing-room.
- . . . And a uniform hanging neatly on one wall. While you wear it, it masks all social Statuses, and no one recognizes you as anything but [Cloister employee], even the Mall itself. You can't leave the store while wearing the uniform.
- After a lot of awkward silence during your loitering, an employee finally questions your subcultural commitment, and whether you really do belong to your clique. "If you were really about it, and living the life, you'd be selling the brand." You'll probably have to mollify them if you want anything out of them.
Boozehound's Bar
They've done away with Ladies' Night (boo!), instead offering complimentary Nookies and free Bitch Beers (three per patron) (yay!). They still serve the crowd favorites at normal price, Broskis, Mellow Malt, Wicked Whiskey, and all the rest--just make sure you pay your tab before you leave.
- You've never gotten blind drunk--before now. The worst part about it, even with the Status [blurry], you don't even feel that ini-ine--incoxita--not that drunk!
- That 'quiet drink' went down way harsher than you expected--you can barely talk at all, in fact, [mute] at least until you leave the bar.
- Well, one more shot won't hurt! At all! You barely feel a thing, [almost insensate] (replacing any painful Statuses until it wears off), but if you want to feel good, you'll need that much more of it . . .
- Get any three drinking-related Statuses at the Bar and all of them will take three scenes at least to wear off--and they override any mental or social Statuses (besides each other, including [tipsy]) while in effect.
The Exclusive Exhibit
This current setup uses signage and posters in a language you can't easily place, festooned around a display of--something impressive. Impressive and inscrutable. Much more approachable, the booth-babe (or booth-boy? you can't tell exactly--) looks exceptionally tarted-up for just-barely-permissible appeal, wearing a shiny, brightly-colored, and highly-revealing outfit that fits their costume. You can't tell if they should look like a fantasy race or a sci-fi alien, not even when they step fully into your personal space, jabbering excitedly and incomprehensibly.
- That 'costume' looks undeniably inhuman, but does nothing to inhibit their expressions--which they show a lot of. Do they really look that attractive without the makeup? 'Makeup', right?
- Gesticulating at you, your clique, bystanders, and the exhibit, they rub and press against you, but less 'seductively' than 'emphatically'.
- On which note, they start to fondle and grope under your clothes--but quickly enough it almost seems like they want to check for presence or absence of something. They act like they've never once thought of getting slapped or punched about it.
- You can't understand a single sound or even gesture they make--or even tell if the sounds from their mouth quite match the shapes their mouth makes. When they do briefly pause, and let you say anything edgewise, they seem to answer--but in the same cryptic language as ever.
- Whatever they just said to whatever you just said, they insistently nudge, lean, tug, and beckon toward the exhibit: either some kind of ancient relic or some far-future apparatus, but either way, it makes a portentous thrumming sound, and begins to glow in a way you haven't seen anything glow before.
Flashy Fashion
It seems to have expanded, not just floor-space, but height as well. It looks like it should stretch into a whole additional floor above, the headroom filled with gleaming chandeliers and light fixtures, and the 'organic' aisle-less shopping-floor punctuated regularly with opulent marble columns, the store echoing with regality and grandiosity.
- Animate mannequins slowly pose, displaying dresses, suits, even jewelry sans clothing--feet all tastefully but securely hasped to their pedestals. "Oh, those? It couldn't afford that outfit. Would you like to purchase it now?" The--outfit, right?
- This accent piece (watch, necklace, ring) costs a fortune--but flashing this will prove your Status as a [high roller] with [exquisite taste]. Any of your Clique without a suitably elegant Edge of their own will get the Status [shabby side-piece] for the rest of the scene, others treating them as just further accessories of yours.
- Buying a whole wardrobe would definitely put you in hock. And you can see the 'installment plan', showing off the wares of their financial failure. And a pity, too, you'd look stunning and put anyone else to shame. If only you could get that outfit somehow . . .
- And somehow, they can make even garbage-bags look stylish--and still degrading. If the attendants don't think you have enough class, they'll outfit you accordingly, with a backhanded, double-edged Status like [tempting trash] or [hobo hottie]. Definitely a look, but make sure they don't walk away with your original clothes . . .
Industrial Ink
The shop used to have a sterile look to its for-show sleaziness. Now . . . the grunge looks a lot more sincere. The tattoo catalog looks a lot more detailed, realistic, explicit, and surreal, the piercings not quite like any you've ever seen, and the artist has an odd, unblinking gleam in their eye. But they still have plenty of bondage gear, fetish outfits, and they still pay for 'photo shoots' in the back--much more brazenly now, 'quick cash for quick shots, in partnership with Splendor Shots' on a placard at the counter. Hey, you've seen them around--
- Their designs really come to life--and can move, tingle, prickle, even see and hear. Depending on their personality and how well they like you, they can give a Status of [kick me], as the figure does its best to embarrass you, or an Edge for [saw you there], the tattoo looking where you can't to warn you of what it sees.
- Along a shelf but not on it, a single white silken rope dangles into a worrying variety of sample bondage, shibari, karada, and other restraint knots. They cost a lot, but you don't get a compelling piece of art knotwork--you instantly know how to tie and untie it yourself like a pro!
- Among the bondage gear, they sell a Forever Collar: a slave collar that will retain the wearer's soul? If the wearer dies, placing the collar on an 'empty body' will bring them back to life. You'd never need something like that, right?
- The piercings have gauges for diameter--and labels for whether they 'gauge up' or 'gauge down' the body-part in question. But what a 'gauge' might mean in cup-size or inches, you can't tell.
- The more fantastical piercings promise things like 'stimulation', 'awareness', 'enforcement', 'denial', and the most expensive line, 'control'. They move, buzz, even spark between your fingers when you pick them up.
- Similarly on the fantastical end, the back of the tattoo catalog features more abstract designs, like a road-map, molecule-diagram, circuit-board, done in calligraphy. 'Special Effects', the section says, 'consult the artist'. But with titles like [addiction], [satisfaction], [endurance], and [temptation], you at least have an idea . . .
Quixotic Quisine
They have drastically changed their formal(?) dress-code, as well as their menu, and even their storefront: now just a forbidding wall of tinted, sound-proof glass, that only dimly hints at the decadence of the diners within, and half as much reflects the unworthies without. But even standing outside, watching patrons enter, one can't miss that they obviously have wealth. And that only they get a seat at the table.
- Before you can even enter, you need some conspicuous coteur from Flashy Fashion, or perhaps an exotic outfit from Industrial Ink. In particular, you'll need a Status like [arrogant attire], [gimp for hire], [up a few pegs], or [I'm with Owner].
- Once inside, the gorgeous view serves only as a backdrop to the paying patrons: louche, fetishistic opulence, luxury latex, diamond piercings, calf-skin leather, that blindfolded and ball-gagged gimp could likely buy you out of bankruptcy--or sue you into it.
- Deeper within, a 'live performance' by a diner who couldn't pay: dinner and a very degrading show, with audience participation, and complimentary service for the guests. And that includes any guest, paying or not . . .
- Your meal arrives: "Is everything to your liking?" You don't think you ordered a milk-stewed cow nipple(?), a huge pasta-shell full of swirled red and white sauce, tiny rubbery calimari rings, and--a plaster-cast of a wide open mouth filled with some sort of citrus foam. The lips just quivered. "Well?" They clearly expect a correct answer.
- Should you make it through dinner with someone else, with no ill incidents to yourself, you may just learn a new Action, from having to talk yourself into such 'refined' tastes to fit in:
- Make a Taste: sell someone on the appeal and allure of an 'acquired taste', something they "wouldn't normally", but you give such a compelling pitch. Danger: you sell yourself on it in the worst kind of way, giving yourself a Status of [craving]. (This differs starkly from Convince or Bargain, it can make someone interested in something they didn't like, instead of just going along with what you want. It also 'only' risks your own likings, rather than risking someone else's reaction to you.)
- You cannot use this Action as an excuse to foist something onto the other player. They like what they like. But, if they like it, you can pitch to their MC who might not (yet).
- All of the original Moves for the mundane Quixotic Quisine apply as ever.
Workout Warehouse
It seems like they've renovated: the front facing the arcade now sports heavy stone-textured pillars, like marble columns, with the interior posts featuring upturned spotlights almost like braziers. The walls now show mythic-looking figures, standing floor-to-ceiling, sculpted-looking bodies lit and shaded in bright fuchsia and dark teal, ambiguously but heroically posed. And the equipment--just where exactly does that rubber post go? And what do you do with that rubber-ringed hole?
- You don't recognize anyone here, and they don't notice you while in the middle of a set. But once someone does finish, if you lack any Edges or Statuses like [ripped and built] or [pumped up], they'll ask what place you think you have here--and expect you to prove it. Failure will give you at least one Status for [strained], [drained], [bruised], or [passed around]. But at least if you stick around after and do a few sets, you can add [worked out]. Three more like these, and they might let you use the equipment yourself!
- If you do have an Edge or Status for an impressive body or athletic aptitude, they'll still expect you to prove it. But this time if you best them, you can start or advance a Countdown: [Bo-Low Initiate]. This can advance to [student], [expert], and [master]. At [Bo-Low Master], the repeated educational losses and the almost-meditative videos on the wall displays have taught you a new Action:
- Counter: instead of just Bracing when someone hits, gropes, grapples, or tries to restrain you, a true [Bo-Low Master] can respond by reversing, groping, tackling, or suplexing their attacker, almost like a real martial artist! Danger: damaging something you didn't want to damage (including yourself).
- On the other hand, while you're [worked out], you could plead and simp for someone to give you a shot of Stare-oids: they pump you up and make you hard, specifically [juiced up]. If you can at all justify physical force or endurance helping you out on an Action, you can completely replace any die with a 6, the first time. Then replace with a 5, then 4, down to 1, after which the [juiced up] Status ends. Taking another shot while still [juiced up] will have very pronounced and nasty side-effects.
- Overall, odds run a lot higher of getting accosted in the locker-room. Or the--they have a sauna now? Or the--the sports room looks a whole lot bigger, and you don't think you recognize this game . . . And the customers all run a lot tougher and stranger, but that might not surprise you by now.
Closing Time
. . . Should have chimed by now, right? How long since you got here? How long since you checked a clock, what time does it say? How long does it feel? And--why can't you find the parking-lot exit? This replaces the mundane Closing Time AC, for obvious reasons. Not to say your MCs cannot leave the mall, but--it might take some doing, and this mall never truly closes . . . you hope.
These Moves all have to presume your Clique surviving some amount of 'adventure' prior to leaving (or failing to). Use these as examples: callbacks, deferred costs, unforeseen consequences, cascading combinations of chaos that your MCs have tried to stay ahead of, or that has unfolded around them just out of sight. If part or all of a Move doesn't match what your Clique has seen, done, or had done to them, see if a similar format fits. Like the mundane Closing Time, these Moves aim to waylay, delay, dissuade, and distract your MCs from actually leaving. Unlike Closing Time, MCs have no assurance of succeeding. Instead, like Corners and Crossings, these can tell your MCs, in-character, that they won't leave that easily. For best dramatic effect, like a mirror of A Life Outside, you can use these as reasons to stop your MCs from leaving at all.
Soft Moves:
- Amid the strange bustle of unbothered patrons, you see someone else looking almost as lost as you. But do they want to find the way out, or do they need to find something else before they can leave?
- Walking along one of the dizzyingly high mezzanines, you see the giant--this time, not just their head. You see all of them, and they once again see you. They don't say anything, but you can still almost hear them pondering you--like an item on a shelf, wondering if you'll do.
- After your friend turned a little green around the--everything, from that visit to the Flower Shop, those 'Perambulating Plants' have really grown on them.
- Whispering faintly with limited air, one of the fountain 'Pool Toys' seems to have gotten itself inflated, but no one else will help it with--whatever it needs?
- The Rosy Chalice people claim to have 'higher knowledge'. Does that really apply to this place?
- Those tunnels under the Excavated Arcade have to lead somewhere, right? And surely whoever dug them did it recently, so they couldn't have anything hiding, right?
Normal Moves:
- The other shoppers really don't seem perturbed, or interested in leaving . . . or even heading anywhere with any purpose.
- The ambient music and the displays don't seem their usual soothing selves. If anything, the longer you look and listen, the more discordant and tense it seems.
- You've tried to walk an arcade wing in as straight a line as it allows, for as long as you can walk--and this looks exactly like where you started. But . . . different. And not familiar.
- Where you've had the chance to see any sky at all, no two skies looked at all alike, from time of day to stars to weather to hue. If you really saw the 'sky' at all . . .
Hard Moves:
- With one of those Stoner's sex-toys stuck and sensitive on you, you at least learn that they tend to fall off half of the time--just as the 'wearer' starts to climax. (Make any suitable Action, but replace the Danger with "the toy falls off just as--".) Hope you didn't stick one anywhere inconvenient . . .
- And those posters and decorations might help when traversing rearranging escalators--but not as much when trying to find your way around on level ground.
- What will happen to your living tattoo--or those piercings making you look like that? Or if you wear that Forever Collar--or needed it?
- What did you find in that Shrine 'collection box'? If you didn't look--maybe you should.
- So at the Workout Warehouse, you took a second shot of Stare-oids while still [juiced up], and your clothes (and possibly anatomy) don't fit anymore. You can probably fix that somehow--
- If your rival Clique saw any of that and told anyone--but then, if they never manage to leave . . .
- Quixotic Quisine has given you some very exotic tastes. Will your old normal life ever measure up?
Suspicious Storefronts
Though seemingly familiar, or at least plausible, you haven't seen these stores and businesses before--ever. Under the superficial veneer of 'this looks like a store that sells things for money', you'll quickly find a very different mission statement at work. Of course, they still do charge money, but they may take from you more than that.
Crystal Cove
While Workout Warehouse can strengthen you, and Sensuous Spa can beautify you, this serene and peaceful retreat can purify you. With inspirational readings, meditation and visualization, and the latest in ancient energy healing practices, expert spiritual consultants will guide your journey to your maximum potential. Potential for what, you'll have to find out.
Soft Moves:
- Simply meandering the softly-lit aisles shelved with gleaming gems, intricate labyrinth diagrams, and gently swirling orbs, you might replace a harmful mental or social Status with [transcendent], prone to babbling in pleasant but incomprehensible metaphysical musings. You'll stay [transcendent] until someone talks you back down with a failed Action.
- According to the seer, the divinatory oracle shows a dire misfortune in your near future. How to avert it 'seems hazy', but perhaps you could help them 'clear their insight'.
- With very hands-on and intimate yoga instruction, if you can resist releasing all of your 'energy', you could walk out with a [sound body], warmed up for a visit to Workout Warehouse.
- The clerk swears by this 'purgative infusion', and can even mix one for you now: replace any physical status with [oily sheen], your skin turning flushed as unspecified toxins seep out in your sweat--and other fluids.
- These jagged 'orgone charged' crystal clusters can supposedly 'restore physical imbalances'--including bodily changes, as well as simple Statuses. For Statuses, replace up to three with: [chafed], [bruised], [jabbed], taking one, two, and three scenes to subside. A single physical change requires [jabbed] to fully orgoneize the area with restorative energies.
- If you have no harmful Statuses while the reiki healer works on you, you can still your mind enough to learn their technique as a new Action:
- Channel Energy: move your own 'energy', concentrate someone else's, open someone to the ambient energies of the mall, or even take their energy for yourself, imparting or alleviating Statuses like [needy], [spent], [distorted cravings], or [empowered]. Danger: as an [initiate], all of the following: you become [drained], they become [suspicious], and the mall around you both becomes [charged].
- Further reiki study (with no harmful Statuses going in) will advance you to [student] letting you cross off one element of the Danger; then [master], letting you cross off any two at-will, as your control improves.
Normal Moves:
- The carpeting feels shallow and sounds rough--but softer than the tile flooring everywhere else. Something familiar about it, though . . .
- Without ever quite overpowering, every place in the store has a slightly different scent of incense, oils, herbs, and minerals.
- The hanging chimes, water-bowls, sounding-boards, and things you can't even guess at make for a slow, soothing, arhythmic musical soundscape. But what about the faint, lulling voices--?
- Some of the most colorful pictures look like diagrams--including indicating lines and inset legends.
Hard Moves:
- Walking along the ecclectic bookshelves, one of the titles lets out a seductive moan. And promises that it can teach you things . . . but only if you study it.
- Flipping through a different book, you find bulletproof, conclusive evidence for the ties between the Ascended Masters and Ancient Aliens. This [explains it all], everything ties back to this! Or at least, everything you talk about for the next three scenes.
- The clerk offers you a tincture of something they just distilled . . . and the wall-hangings, mandalas, and spiritual murals ripple with alternating [depth and meaning].
- The guru singles you out in one of the aisles, piercingly listing why you need their 'spiritual guidance'--and possibly saddling you with a Status like [lost].
- In the private meditation chamber, the guru calls you 'child', and insists on parental titles--but you can't deny the effect of soothing hands over your face and comforting murmurs in your ears as you unburden yourself. Replace any mental or social Status with [seeking]--most of all, guidance and nurturance.
It seems like some kind of bodega or convenience store. Don't other countries sometimes do that, putting small groceries or other shops inside a mall? The double-doors even slide apart automatically as you walk up, wafting something oddly like seasonings and a little like transmission fluid. The products on the shelves all have vivid colors, the lighting looks stark, but something feels closed-in and dim. The aisles packed too full and too close and not quite aligned, so you can't see across the small(?) store. But you do see quite a selection here . . .
Soft Moves:
- The silver-eyed shopkeep doesn't look too annoyed at your interruption--indeed, the boredom seems to palpably drip off of them. "At your service", half greeting, half statement, half question, and half invitation, for a double entendre.
- Actually, they look like they have a very, very, very long shift ahead of them. Any interfering Status you might have, they might ignore for a little distraction or entertainment.
- They have all the Peculiar Products and Weird Wares here, a Stiffie fountain, packets of Instalose, even a few specialties like MoDoz Dream Pillz, tiny tinctures of Noni and Ginseng extract, though finding something you want may take some looking.
- A bottle of Generic Discount Guaranteed Legal--and on sale, too!
- Only a gas-station should have things like cheap collapsible tents, rain-ponchos, jerry-cans, and road-flares, but this shop has them--maybe a stocking glitch?
- Unidentifiable sausages rotate on rollers under a heat-lamp--but they smell tasty, and the icebox sushi looks like sushi.
- The coffee in the carafe looks fresh and smells strong. Styrofoam cups and lids right next to it, 'free'.
Normal Moves:
- No matter where you go you can always see a glimpse of the clerk behind the counter.
- Every shelf you look at seems to have the exact same item, out of place, when you think you won't see it.
- The freezers look clear and focused until you open the door, and suddenly the items look motion-blurred.
- Decaffinated caffeine, diet soap, unleaded milk ('use only as directed')?
Hard Moves:
- The big shield-size fish-eye mirrors don't seem to quite match the shelves--or you. Or--you just saw someone in the mirror and not the aisle . . .
- That heady seasony transmission-fluidy scent starts getting to you. Some jar or bag or bottle must have burst nearby--but you can't seem to make your way out of the aisles.
- 'The Girl From Ipanema' starts playing--but not over the speakers, which haven't made a sound since the chime when you walked in. From somewhere next to you--
- The door closes behind you in the bathroom--before you can turn on the lightswitch. It smells clean and sterile--but you hear an echo and can't see a thing.
- You finally find what you needed--but something seems off about the label. And not just a smudgey misprint.
- Did you come in through this door? It doesn't look the same outside. It really doesn't look the same.
Party Province
Not merely Party Parish anymore, you might first think to skip this store, not having anywhere to host a party--except they offer to book a party-time, any time! The cheap costumes might look a penny worse than their shockingly low price-tags, but if you need a new outfit in a hurry, these will technically do! But maybe stand clear of the display black-lights . . .
Soft Moves:
- Like the ad says on the door, they don't have rooms you can rent, but you can rent a time: they promise music, drinks, food, singers and dancers, even wacky inflatable tube--not just men! Whatever entertainments you can afford! They'll throw the party no matter your location, just rent a time! Specifically, book it some number of Actions in advance, and make sure you get to the place you want the party to happen. They will not bother to ask permission, nor minimize disruption, or even care very much about safety.
- They don't even stop people from huffing the Feelium: it lightens your voice and your head! One huff can blow a mental Status out of your mind; two can remove a social Status; three can remove a physical Status. Each uses the special Action:
- Huff: inhale a lungful of Feelium, with a Goal of removing Statuses. Danger: increase a Countdown, starting at (normal), [squeaky], [shiny], [soft], [inflated]. At [inflated], you remain an inflatable toy! Prior to that, every two Statuses you get (any kind, any source except Feelium) reduces your Countdown until (normal).
- Likewise you can stand in front of the black-, mauve-, irrigo-, and octarine-light decoration lamps and admire the cool colors! This may also shed a different light on any Statuses you have, helping understand them. Just don't go [colordeaf].
- Cheap wearable lights, noise-makers, and confetti-bombs might make for a fun and distracting time--or have other uses.
- A T-Shirt Cannon? A T-Shirt Cannon! Ridiculously expensive, and you have to load it with (any) garments after each shot, but it can wrap someone in tight, revealing, restrictive fabric from thirty paces, and they'd need at least two Actions' time to struggle free--if no one stops them first. But how to pay for it--
- Way cheaper and way harder to use, but way more versatile, they have plenty of Serious String! It only has a range of a few feet, and only a little sticky, but you need a knife to cut it once it dries, and a single can has plenty inside.
- Even without the costumes, with a dizzying variety of makeup and fake jewelry, you can look like anything you want, if you can do the makeup right! And with a trip to Splendor Shots, you can take a picture and it'll last forever . . .
Normal Moves:
- For all the obnoxious lights, noise-makers, and displays, the aisles and shelves seem surprisingly orderly.
- They have bulk buckets and bags of all the classic candies--but they probably shouldn't have that much Cummies and Pop-Ur-Rocks right next to so much Monster Dick Energy.
- Everything smells just a little like engine grease.
- Some of the costumes look . . . really lifelike. Especially the masks.
Hard Moves:
- If you really want that T-Shirt Cannon, you can rent it for a scene, but as long as you carry that bulky and dangerous-looking contraption, you have the Status [making trouble], and you'd better return it after the scene.
- Or you could get it on credit: three successful Bargains each time they come to collect, in between you scraping up enough to pay them off. Fail, and they'll collect you for the shop. Hopefully as staff or a performer, rather than a decoration or costume.
- Speaking of costumes and prices: for dirt cheap, you can get quite a variety, but you get what you pay for with an associated Status. For a Fancy one, a risk of [wardrobe malfunction]; a Slutty one may look too [convincing]; a Weird one may prove [sticky].
- Some people get carried away trying on the costumes--sure, a candy-stripper doesn't sound so bad, but groping ghosts, kinky kings, horny hornets, and randy robots on the other hand . . .
- One of the incessantly flailing inflatable tube people grabs hold of you--and does not want to let go . . .
- You stayed far away from anything with glitter on it, but still, colored twinkles sparkle everywhere you step and on everything you touch. Everything.
At least, you think it says that. Whenever you try to discern the lettering on the neon sign, they don't quite look like letters. Nor can you decipher what wares they have on display in the front window. You can see them clearly alright, you just can't understand them: some look like implements for a hooved animal to use, some look like tasteful outfits for the wrong number of limbs, one section on display looks like a dentistry kit with a bonus oil-can and more wrenches and screwdrivers than a dentist should have. The shoppers--look like the kinds of people, or things, that should shop here.
Soft Moves:
- From the arcade outside, you can see practically the whole shop! Mostly because the aisles and shelves seem twisted geometrically, bent toward the front door, even as beings crawl, clamber, or walk along and between them.
- It doesn't look safe in there for a normal person, but no one will stop you from peeking around, and maybe getting some ideas to come back with.
- A slender, spike-limbed woman(?) descends on a thick cable from--spinnerets in her crotch. And places an item from a shelf into a dark blue fridge--which bounces lightly, a screen on the door showing a smile, before the fridge rolls itself out of the store.
- A blank-faced man in a sharp suit purchases a brightly-colored soda-can. Holding it to his ear, a thick, pink worm emerges, and pulsates as it sips from the can.
- You recognize that headband, you've seen it before--and whatever that person's species, they seem engrossed in 'Uncommon Household Items' . . . and you recognize those products on the cover! A guidebook on how to combine the paranormal products here?! But even a glimpse of a page shows utterly incomprehensible diagrams--no wonder the headband.
- A Make-Up Kit, 'Make someone up how you like!' The box shows a diagram of mechanical hands with tool-bit fingertips reaching for a nervous-looking cartoon face--and an 'After' panel. Or you assume so, the 'After' looks nothing like the 'before' . . .
Normal Moves:
Hard Moves:
- You can't even get through the doorway, for the dense cluster of straining party balloons, filled with something swirling within. One of the shoppers inside, a clear blue human-shaped pool-raft, plucks a balloon from the 'bouquet', and inhales it. A whiff of chlorine wafts after.
- Once you all get inside, a Clique member fidgets with a complicated, decorative-looking piece of glassware--when it spills on them an alarm sounds, but the sound comes from . . . the spill? The liquid soaking them bleeps incessantly. Better get out of here, and deal with that . . .
- In one of the accordion-like aisles, a neon-colored figure grabs hold of you and won't let go--arms solid as wax, and body emerging from a wheeled mop-bucket. They say they can't let go unless something warms them up enough to melt them?
- A very--customized mannequin inspects a row of heads, trying on one after another, each one unsatisfactory. Then it turns toward you, advancing very directly, despite the lack of eyes.
- A rival Clique, here? You only recognize them by the few garments that still fit them. The one without a mouth speaks up somehow, "look at these poseurs." And turning to you amid the scoffing, "I bet you still have your bones." Not just scoffing, this prompts raucous laughter--?
Unnatural Wonders
Wait, Unnatural--but you've seen enough of OmegaMall™ by now to know that it doesn't exist only in the world you came from, or follow the rules you know. Still, the store looks bright, clean, pristine, and promises products sampled from all spirit-walks: essential meditation accessories, proven articles of faith, genuine imitation relics, and most of all, the atmosphere of true spiritual union, just for you!
Soft Moves:
- The Sensuous Soundscape unit features big bass speakers and dynamically mixes ethereal, ephemeral, erotic energies in its [seductive serenade] wherever you plug it in.
- This Large Embroidered Mandala Mat has a powerful [soothing energy] to it, soft and comfortable, and very wide and thick.
- Whether you've become [unfuckable] or a similarly hindering Status, or just have one particular person you can't appeal to, this Kokopeli Wall-Hanging makes a [distractingly desirable] backdrop.
- You can barely lift this mixing-bowl-size Anchoring Geode yourself, but studies prove it can clear away mental Statuses with enough meditation. Though the attractive attendants always ask if you'd like help finding something first.
- The long, thick Rain-Sticks and large, ornate, Padded Chalices promise to rejuvenate and invigorate, removing Statuses for exhaustion or fatigue. They make nice mantlepieces, too.
- With a quality-certified S-Meter Auditing Device, you can make diagnosing, treating, or even inventing any condition or Status into a pleasurable experience, over a scene of monitoring, examination, and testing. Requires twelve F-cell batteries, not intended to diagnose or treat any illness, consult a metaphysician.
Normal Moves:
- The white tile floors look freshly cleaned, and click audibly with every footstep.
- The ambient Audio and Auras soundtrack occasionally skips, prompting an attendant to quietly make themselves scarce.
- Untitled posters depict ecstatic and inspiring figures, bathed in divine light, in a variety of stores, businesses, and commercial transactions.
- They carefully avoid explicit mention of any specific faith--except one you've never heard of: The Temple of the End of History. Make an offering at this sleek and modern altar to receive a blessing: [conspicuousness], [consumption], [complacence], [cupidity], [climbing], [credit]. These Statuses might act as Edges or Dangers, depending on context.
Hard Moves:
- "Excuse me", says the crisply-dressed attendant, "but this is a drug-free facility." If you have any such Statuses, you'll have to rid them somehow.
- Nor will they cater to any inhuman Statuses you might have gotten, such as [pint-size] or [goblin dick], 'unfortunately'.
- "All recognized faith-walks are welcome here", which means that if you compulsively spout out any [conspiracy theories] or [religious revelations] or similar, they'll see you from the store.
- If you don't watch out, anyone who sees you here might figure you for a [spiritual sucker], and angle to take advantage of you later.
- On the other hand, the other genuine seekers of personal growth and potential can take you for a [dabbling ditz], and use you to show off their humility and unique wisdom.
- The Ultrasonic Violet Salt Ion Lamp gives off a sickly-sweet puff of smoke, which sparks to you and the person standing next to you. It [orgonically bonded] you both! Instead of explaining what that means, the attendant quickly leaves to make a phone-call . . .
Closing Never
Promises of prosperity, even delusions of deliverance, gave way to austerity, brutality, and collapse without conclusion. These Adversity Characters comprise a place that your MC probably wants to leave, as soon as they can find a way. You can soften the tone by including some Closing §©:†þ entries, but anything as seemingly normal as 'Closing 9PM' will stand out as disturbingly out of place, as you'll likely soon see. This maddening mall uses a 'palette' of industrial rust, concrete, and blood, but feel free to use a different aesthetic. For instance, overgrown vines and wood, surgical-theater sterility, hand-chiseled stone and scooped mud, or elaborate embroidered tapestry for walls, draping in the dark.
This mode of play makes heavy use of the threat or delivery of physical danger and violence to your MCs, who (by default at least) have basically no way to answer, with only their normal socially-focused Actions. The Abject Arcades replaces the Plaza Parade, and introduces a simple health mechanic that can take an MC out of commission (in need of rescue, by default, or permanently, if that suits your interests).
In particular, your MCs will likely need to Brace or Give In quite often. In 'Closing 9PM', the Danger of 'getting incapacitated' would make for either a comedic moment to draw on someone's face, or a beat of character drama, with an MC in need of caretaking or protection (or ripe for ruthless exploitation). Here, the stakes run far higher, with that frequent threat of violence, and not just from monsters.
To keep your MCs from getting dragged offscreen too often, you have the following option when you Brace and become incapacitated: describe how your character Gives In to their powerlessness, aggressor, or other circumstances, with a Danger of 'losing your self-image', and in particular, gaining a Status like [starting to like it], [getting ideas], [payback], or a similar burgeoning corrupted desire or appetite.
If your MC succeeds at Giving In, they manage enough composure (steadying their breath, going limp, unclenching) to recover from 'incapacitated' quickly enough that nothing else does them in before they can get out of immediate danger. And if the Danger comes true, your MC acquires one of these corrupting Statuses, which will tempt them toward more dangerous or more perverse acts. Your MC can try to dispel it, such as putting it out of their mind in safety, facing a shock that makes them reconsider what they might become, or even indulging to satisfy their curiosity. Use these as prompts to make your MC confront themselves, possibly even with a Countdown, if they encounter the same unwanted, uncomfortable temptations again.
This mode of play also offers MCs a few ways to fight off and escape from monsters, monstrous humans, and humans who want to do monstrous things. You might even consider bringing in venues like the Closing §©:†þ Party Province and Workout Warehouse, or at least the options they offer for disabling threats and fending off things that get in your face.
And none of this makes your default, socially-focused Actions obsolete--if anything, you need them all the more . . . and that includes putting them to work on even those physically threatening creatures. If you can't talk your way out of a confrontation, you could work your way out of getting attacked--or at least, into a different kind of 'attack' . . .
- Shadows and Scratches
- Scary Staff
- Corrupted Cliques
- Preferred Payment
- Bad Goods
- Vicious Venues
- Abject Arcades
- Blighted Bookstore
- Corroded Commons
- Cultic Cove
- Frightful Food-Court
- Gruesome Garage
- Lethal Loading-Dock
- Overhanging Offices
- Sacrilegious Spa
- Deeper Departments
- Build-a-Babe
- Control Computers
- The Harder Image
- Vicarious Video
- Consuming Creatures
Shadows and Scratches
If your MCs intended to enter a 'normal' mall, but found themselves in Closing §©:†þ, you can likely use very hard and jarring descents into Closing Never. Conversely, if your MCs ventured into a mall they thought abandoned, or if you want them in the 'normal' mall, only to turn a corner they can't come back from, you might get more out of slower revelations, leaning more on building anxiety and the realization unfolding.
The Arcade narrows suddenly, the lights dim and flickering, the shops much smaller, where they don't have the roll-down barriers crookedly lowered. You turn left past an eyewear store, left past a tiny signless clothing store, left past a Sandwich Sultan--three lefts? Behind you, the corner only turns left. It smells like rain and rust.
The Dark Elevator stands open, when the Escherlators won't cooperate, and you can't find a normal stairwell, and--have you even seen any other actual elevators around? No one enters for as long as you watch, no button panel sits outside the open doorway, and no lights show inside. But you have to--
The Floor creaks and squeaks--somehow without noticing, you've left behind the polished faux-marble tile. Now the arcade stretches out with rusted metal grating, tight thin metal slots you could squeeze a pinkie through, gleaming burnished by heavy use, but rusted in those slots. Only just here have the bolts and rivets popped loose enough that the panels of grating can slide and even rattle under your footsteps. You can see only darkness below.
The Menacing Mannequin looks rougher, all of a sudden. Now only appearing in curiously dark corners, on the far side of an oblivious bustle of patrons, obscuring it just long enough to lose sight of it. And where before, you could find it disassembled sometimes, only to reappear, reassembled somewhere else, now every place it disappears from, you see only smeared, smudgey, gritty stains. And when you do see it, it always has its non-face turned toward you, specifically.
The Revolver gleams dully on the dingy floor, unnoticed, under faltering overhead lights. No one passing by seems to see it, much less pay it any mind. The arcade hall stretches past it, unlit, even--looking darker than it should from the light shed by the rest of the arcade and plaza, dingier, sootier. The gun feels heavy--authentic, not a toy or prop. And only empty casings in the chambers, and a burnt scent like matches.
The Shops look long-abandoned here, not just 'closed', but forgotten. Every horizontal surface shows a layer of dark, sooty dust. Every vertical surface has streaks of rust--at least, you hope, but some of it looks more . . . fluid. And every noticeable basin or depression, including the dips in the uneven floor, holds dark, murky water, or some kind of pooled liquid. But that doesn't explain the signs: all faded or defaced, but one shows a distant high-angle shot of a lone figure in a hall, 'Be Seen'; a sexy model from behind, almost a silhouette against rough concrete, face to the wall and wrists overhead and out of frame, 'Be Desired'; a blurry face behind chainlink fencing, 'Be Here Forever'.
Your Front Door? Instead of even a tiny stall of a shop, simply nested between a Sandal Closet and a defaced storefront, you find your very own front door to your house. You don't need your key, the doorknob looks like something ripped it off, and the door swings in--but you don't see your living-room. You see your childhood bedroom. As clean as you ever left it, maybe even cleaner, with the toys and posters you half-remember, all intact. But it does lack one thing: any windows, or any door besides this one.
Scary Staff
While certain standard storefronts and venues from 'Closing 9PM' may not offer you much for this horror-themed mode of play, others might offer a lot with an appropriate change of tone and palette. And you can most easily do that by simply changing the other patrons, staff, shopkeeps, and managers.
Specifically, when first entering one of these corrupted venues, if the staff lacks a real description or suggestions in the normal version, roll on this table to find out who (or what) stands behind the counter or in the aisles, and add their Moves to the Adversity Character for the store or encounter:
- Abandoned
- Panicked
- Manic
- Bound
- Warped
- Brute
Some locations such as the later Abject Arcades, Corroded Commons, and Overhanging Offices don't fit the motif of a store, and use an additional Move marked with a plus or a minus. You can use these marked Moves elsewhere, but they primarily suit either open expanses, or small enclosures, without anything like 'merchandise'.
Abandoned: you don't see anyone here to tend the shop, take payment, or--stop you from taking goods. But you do see goods on the shelves still, so why hasn't anyone cleaned the place out by now? You also see a large slot in the counter, possibly for payment.
- Soft Moves:
- A Twikslers Bar (or similar minor nicety), just underneath this . . . gross thing, but still hygenically wrapped. Nothing happens if you take it.
- That thing following you either didn't see you come in, or can't or won't follow. It just wanders off. This time.
- + With no obvious threats or pitfalls and a lot of space, you could survey the surrounding layout, and even get an Edge for [directions].
- - You can safely rest here awhile, and recover a temporary Status or time-based Countdown by a step.
- Normal Moves:
- Why do you feel a draft? Probably because, opposite the entrance, a section of wall got knocked out. You can't see where it opens into from here.
- When you hold still, you can hear something faint and rhythmic, far away. You can't tell if it's mechanical, or organic.
- + You don't see anyone, or anything, but when you open your mouth you can taste something.
- - Bric-a-brac, miscellany, tchochkes, both mundanely prosaic, and sexually gruesome.
- Hard Moves:
- This--contraption has something locked inside. It doesn't look safe to mess with, but if you knew how it works, or found the right tool . . .
- Something suddenly slithers--or grows, like a slime-mold, liquid rust, pulsing veins, sticking to every surface. Get out now.
- + Without any clear or obvious landmarks or waypoints you could easily get [lost].
- - While you regroup and catch your breath, if you have a worsening Countdown or a Status from Give In, it advances a step, with immediate effects.
Panicked: they cling to a pretense of normalcy so hard, so delusionally, that they might have no other way to survive. Like an abused child who can't question their parent's incoherent and conflicting rules and whims, they insist on (what they understand of) the 'rules' of this place. While they won't initiate any aggression, they might get desperate if you break the 'rules', or their facade.
- Soft Moves:
- Breaking their so-normal character kayfabe for a moment, they actually tell you a few of those 'rules' explicitly. And they might even have some of it right.
- And so desperate to avoid--whatever risk, you could probably threaten them into a bargain, or a 'deal'.
- + They seem in a hurry to leave--but they might guide you somewhere they consider safe, if they consider you safe.
- - Don't interfere with their pointless and incomprehensible 'work', and you can get away with just about anything.
- Normal Moves:
- That doesn't look like a real uniform. Sort of, but not quite. You can't tell how long they've 'worked' or hidden out here.
- You can tell that this venue itself may not have seen better days, but has seen a lot of them. It looks lived-in.
- + They constantly look over their shoulder at every flicker or shadow--but don't notice the sounds or smells.
- - Whatever they do here, it looks like it keeps them busy--too busy to even leave this tiny cramped space.
- Hard Moves:
- You can only push their facade and their ideas of 'danger' so far before they snap: now you won't get what you came for without a fight, or very seriously placating them.
- You see one of those dangers just outside the shop, tampering with a valve or lever, sending the clerk right into their defensive measures.
- + "It's okay it's fine everything is normal and fine--but you are going to help me with this--"
- - They need someone to commiserate with, likely to leave you [dazed], but maybe leaving them more pliant.
Manic: they know full and well the nature of this place, or think they do, and they would never leave. They might act with aggression, in service to what they think they serve . . . But, however tenuously, they still serve you, the customer! As long as you can pay.
- Soft Moves:
- They seem entirely too happy to see you--but if they plan on having you for dinner, they at least don't break out the knives yet, instead insistent on making you comfortable. Even if it makes you uncomfortable.
- They chatter incessantly, but at least sort-of answer questions, or start to before it stops making sense, and seem happy for the confusing, hopefully delusional conversation. They could probably help you figure out a problem--but maybe don't let them know that.
- + They came out here to get something. If you fetch it for them, they'll meet you somewhere more 'intimate'.
- - They have a pretty sweet gig here--and could hook you up with a favor or some cash, if they like you.
- Normal Moves:
- How do they always manage to sneak up on you like that, just there when you turn or pass by a shelf?
- Just outside, you see . . . something slowly walk along the ceiling in silhouette. Maybe best to loiter and window-shop a little . . .
- + They have somewhere to go--but don't seem to mind lingering here.
- - You don't want to know what that thing is, or what they plan to do with it, but they want to tell you.
- Hard Moves:
- They kindly gave you a drink or snack, and suddenly you feel dizzy, woozy, a little ha-ha-funny . . .
- And now the knives come out. Brandished while proclaiming the New World Order, and saying that 'everything is an exchange'. Time to leave, or you'll find out what they plan to exchange you for.
- + Maybe you annoyed them, or they planned this from the start, but they give a sharp whistle--and a shape approaches from the shadows, it does not look like something you want to deal with.
- - They want some 'help' with their 'work', and won't take "god, no", or "god, why" for an answer.
Bound: someone, or something, has bound this person(?) in place. You can't quite tell if they ever resembled you, in any meaningful way, but their captor has restrained them in a severe, vulnerable, provocative, and alluring manner. And it bound them here for a reason, one you probably don't want to find out. Whether they would attack you, or something else, they have a--mechanism, obscene and lurid, that looks connected to the cash funnel in the top of the counter. Only one way to find out what it does.
- Soft Moves:
- As you move around and examine items, they make--noises, like hotter-colder. And they don't seem capable of wanting to trick you.
- Well, since they're bound like that . . . You could work off any Statuses to do with frustration, pent-up or otherwise, or new desires you've acquired.
- + Or, they could act as a decoy or distraction for something else out there, following or waiting for you.
- - The 'mechanism' seems to have . . . extracted something from them. Which suggests the 'something' must have some value . . .
- Normal Moves:
- When you approach what serves as a counter, they jerk one of their bound limbs--connected to a different apparatus, maybe for 'ringing up'?
- At all other times, you can hear them writhe, moan, murmur, squeak and clank their restraints, and periodically something wet--
- + Elaborately, obscenely bound--but why here? You don't see anything special about this specific spot--or do you?
- - The restraints don't just lock them in place, their movements seem part of a system, connected to unseen components.
- Hard Moves:
- Somehow (you loitered too long, stole, bought, used or tampered with them, did it on purpose, or unknown outside trigger) they get free of their bindings, setting right after you--no wonder they had such strong restraints--
- Or: once freed, they follow you incessantly, twitching, moaning, scraping--and attracting other things out there.
- + Their struggles--or, movements--set off something in the contraption constraining them, you hear something break--something big--
- - Their sounds, movements, scent, something they squirted or spattered onto you despite their bindings--immediately, you shouldn't feel this way. Like falling: both wrong and irresistable. Especially if you have any Status from Giving In.
Warped: quite vocal, when they want to talk, something clearly changed them into--this, seeming to slither from under the counter, or crawl spider-like along the walls and ceiling, completely silent as they follow, except to chime in with a chuckle at your choice, whispered insistence on something else, or a faint gasp at what you pick, and always ending every remark or answer to you with a suspicious laughing cough.
- Soft Moves:
- They at least know where everything is--seemingly, everything in the mall, if you can get a straight answer out of them.
- They might even make a 'bargain' with you, if you can figure out what they want . . .
- + Behind the heaped detritus, if you spot their fingers or legs or--whatever, they came here or pass through for a reason--and keep looking at a strange figure standing on a distant wall.
- - Well, this one sure seems--'different', and a lot more likeable. You might get a positive Status like [flattered], if not more . . .
- Normal Moves:
- You don't see them everywhere you look. You only see them by surprise.
- As altered and grotesque as they look, they seem comfortable--maybe even reveling.
- + Tittering, chittering, rustling, bustling--but why, and why here?
- - This little cubby hardly looks lived-in at all. Did this thing just get here?
- Hard Moves:
- Somehow you struck a nerve, and they strike back--you could handle one in the open, but so many and so cramped--
- They scurry off suddenly and in unison--something scared them away and you shouldn't find out what--
- + They don't pose much threat in the open--but they pose constant annoyance!
- - The flattery turns threatening, they twist and lunge--and they can move in ways you can't--
Brute: skulking and shadowed, possibly restrained or possibly only waiting, intimidating, but for now just crouching and watching. It lets you examine the wares and goods, but doesn't lose sight of you in the aisles, stalking and rumbling. Better not find out if it knows how to count.
- Soft Moves:
- No surprise why, no one and no thing follows you or barges in here, with that thing standing guard.
- Something about it looks familiar: maybe you could figure this place out, with this creature as a clue.
- + Paying you no mind, it drags something massive behind it. It might not notice if you inspect--it might not even mind tampering, if it doesn't notice.
- - It faces away from you in the close confines--and you can keep it that way if you squeeze behind it when it tries to turn--
- Normal Moves:
- You don't know what to pay with, but you definitely don't want to leave without paying.
- How'd it get over there without you seeing--?!
- + It casually clears a path through wreckage, creatures, and anything that doesn't move to one side in time.
- - Crammed in this tight space with--this--you can barely see anything else, but you can feel every move it makes, even without touching you--yet.
- Hard Moves:
- It growls whenever you go near one dark corner. You can't make much out over there, but it seems not to want you there.
- If you have any Status for [targeted], [tempting], [begging for it], [marked], or similar, it immediately pursues you, with no other care.
- + Out in the open with nowhere to hide, this thing just rams through whatever it can't lurch over--
- - It doesn't need to grab or pin you--it does anyway, deliberately lifting and closing you against the wall--you'll need to Brace, unless you Give In.
The shopkeeps and staff of Closing Midnight and Closing §©:†þ already feature creepy vibes, feel free to exaggerate and twist these further should you encounter them in Closing Never. But pick or roll from this table to quickly and easily give stores a disturbing tone, and narrative nudges and threads you can string up throughout the maul mall.
This supplement intends you to soak in the aesthetics, think about the themes, and invent your own horny horrors, filling the mall with abominations that appeal to you, with just the right grotesque and fetishistic notes to terrify and titilate. So read through the Adversity Characters that follow, imagine the stores and locations, picture your lurking wet-nightmare there: prowling predators, sneaking seducers, erotic enforcers, creatures not just to threaten or arouse, but to strengthen the setting. But if you draw a blank, especially in a pinch as the narrating player, see Consuming Creatures for some suggested monsters with descriptions and worked-out rules and guidance for use.
And to address side-characters in general, human and otherwise, keep Statuses firmly in mind for side-characters as well. In Closing Never, more than the other modes of play, you might find it sensible or necessary to think of a side-character as acquiring, or always having, some Status that a product or item or Action might affect. Normally, as introduced all the way up in Closing Midnight, a side-character's Status works best as an Edge any MC can use on their Actions. Here, you may need to treat the Status as actually belonging to the side-character. Keep it simple and sensible, try not to dwell too long, and in a rush any side-character might reasonably have [frightened], [hungry], [horny], [enraged], [grotesque], and [arousing], as a minimum palette, and might inflict anything like [bruised], [bloodied], [hunted], [horny], [drained], or [filled] as Statuses on your MCs.
Furthermore, it might bear restating, Countdowns work for much more than simply reflecting an MC's state while under some progressive effect. For recurring side-characters, groups, or locations, Countdowns can reflect the acts and Actions of MCs, on a person place or thing that they want to wear down, persuade, degrade, or repurpose, across multiple scenes or encounters. Reinforcing a hideout, earning the trust of a Clique, even making an ally of a Brute, should all probably take more than a few hasty Actions--but no reason you can't do them. Just consider the milestones of what 'progress' (or regress) looks like, and think of what it would take to advance past each.
Corrupted Cliques
If the otherworld of Closing Never opened for business long enough ago, other unlucky, wayward, or misguided 'patrons' may have ended up here long before your MCs. Or, if a big enough group of patrons finds themselves locked in with you, they may fracture into factions such as these, to replace the usual, more superficial Cliques. After all, as much as you might hate the Jocks, you might really want one in front of you where you're going . . .
Puritans: they've settled on a supernatural explanation for the mall, and that they want no part of it. They agree on precious little else. As a Hell, the mall resembles none they've believed in before; as an apocalypse descended on the 'real' world, even less so. And they argue about whether some god has punished them, or instead presented a grim rebuke toward redemption. But they all agree that they must avoid corruption and the corrupted, and when they decide one of their number has become corrupted, they don't always settle for shunning the evildoer. If you can get and keep their good graces, they treat their own kindly and they never take risks. But they'll quickly turn on their own for anything they imagine as 'impurity', or anything violating 'tradition'. And as to what they might (have you) do:
- They take your arrival (or just meeting them), as A Sign--but, a good one, or a bad one? Quickly show your loyalty or that you already align with their virtues and values.
- Find much-needed resources or a safe shelter, free from 'corruption', to help the vulnerable members of the flock.
- You might earn redemption for everyone, if you 'purge the evil' from somewhere sufficiently defiled (and dangerous).
- Corruption of morals must play a role, so the Puritans must revive them. And lacking for any other traditional rituals of virtue, 'a pious marriage' will have to do.
Devotees: unlike the Puritans, they see the corrupted mall as the gateway to paradise, or even paradise itself. They recognize the dangers, but fixate on the opportunities and rewards, probably too much. They naturally have the widest knowledge of where to find things and what things do, but they may well 'volunteer' you to the mall or things in it, as tribute to gain the favor of whatever they believe presides over the mall, or simply to learn more. You might keep that (and yourself) off the menu if you:
- Show that you've embraced this new world and the wonders and pleasures it has to offer, that you know you have 'potential', and intend to reach it.
- Show you have no fear of the (very reasonably fearful) dangers and pitfalls of the mall, nor even the dear and dire costs attached to every good thing on offer.
- Show that you can move and negotiate through the creatures and contagions of the mall and come back unscathed, or even 'improved', profiting from the unwholesome and unfortunate.
- Show your wisdom of the mall by settling a metaphysical dispute about the voodoo economics of the marketplaces, and answer questions about the intangible and endurable goods.
Survivors: they don't know how or why they've ended up here, and care even less. They only want to leave, and that means living long enough to leave. They'll make use of whatever they can with surprising resourcefulness, and they've learned and fortified the least dangerous places for themselves. They can hold their own against some of the creatures and dangers, but if you join them, make sure you have good track shoes on. They don't have to outrun the monsters, if they can outrun you. But a few things might motivate them to wait up for you when you need it:
- Personal ties and loyalty go a long way, even here, even now. And what more personal tie than a romantic one--as long as they still think it romantic, and not transactional.
- None of them would risk getting mauled for even the best bang, but if no one else can bang the Escherlators into working, or if you've--acquired some other unique knack, you become an asset.
- Or maybe you can make one of them seem like a liability: if you 'expose' one of the Survivors putting the rest at risk, you'll earn the good graces of the rest. Just mind the bad graces of the one you oust.
- As a last resort, especially if you've fallen out with one of the other Cliques, you could sell them out or help raid them, or otherwise bring them to heel for the Survivors' benefit--just make sure you win.
Allying with any of these Cliques will impose some serious restrictions on what you can do without losing their favor, as well as what they'll expect you to do whether you like it or not. All of them have suffered understandable trauma, possibly much worse than your MCs have (so far), and as a result, all of them handle it badly. They see you as potential faithful to recruit against evil, a blight to purge, an asset to their practical concerns, or a potential sacrifice if you don't make yourself useful.
The mall might have only one or two of these Cliques, and still feature tense negotiations, hostilities, or outright conflict. With all three, you can 'shop around', as each have benefits, resources, and aid to offer, along with the costs. Sadly, none of them have the one thing you probably need the most, and they won't likely get it either . . .
Preferred Payment
Given the frequent life-or-death nature of many likely scenarios and dilemmas in this mode of play, most venues 'sell' products or services by removing helpful Statuses from MCs, or imposing harmful ones, or simply hiding the goods behind some significant risk or harm to the MCs, before they can get something they want. A few venues or encounters may barter tangible goods, or reward a favor by the MCs.
But a few venues listed here, and many you might want to drag in from Closing §©:†þ, Closing Midnight, or even 'Closing 9PM', give little suggestion for what or how an MC might pay for whatever a shop or seller offers, and MCs would likely run out of cash quite quickly. To solve this, consider the 'normal' venues that do offer to pay MCs:
- Action Arcade, after a suitably scary reskinning, may reward players that survive with tokens usable elsewhere.
- Industrial Ink offers cash for 'photo shoots' in the back--possibly in partnership with Splendor Shots, whose pictures certainly do last. These might no longer involve photography.
- While only suggested in Mall Madness, the Closing §©:†þ incarnation of Quixotic Quisine might still pay for 'performances', but if the clientele scared you before . . .
- You'll later find the Lethal Loading-Dock, which defaults to offering some useful items, but the creatures there possibly could contain money if you bust them open . . .
- The Sensuous Spa also gets an overhaul, but might still offer payment for work 'under the table'--but you never know what you might have to 'serve' for a 'client'.
- Since you'll likely need to Brace often, and Give In can de-incapacitate you at the 'small' cost of traumatically giving your MC a new interest, kink, or full fetish they never had (or knew they had), it shouldn't surprise you if the favors, errands, or services you can do for cash all 'just so happen' to encourage those Statuses from Giving In.
And always, try to keep in mind the original guidelines for money in general: only track as closely as you have fun with, a quest for cash should usually amount to "enough to get the thing I need", or "just X more and I can pay for--", rather than nickels and dimes. And on that note, given the uncanny and otherworldly nature of Closing Never, the coin of the realm might not at all resemble the legal tender the MCs would expect . . .
Bad Goods
You might find these just lying around, perhaps dropped in a hurry by someone who needed them, or left somewhere hard to reach when you need them most. Then again, if you get what you don't pay for, you might not want it--at least, not for yourself . . .
BBF Locket: "always have something to remember them by", promises the grimy cardboard slip. 'Brain Buddies Forever' will give you an inversion of someone else's mental Statuses, and vice versa, lasting as long as either party wears one of the half-brain pendants. After snapping the pendant in half, new Statuses work normally, not copied or inverted to either party.
Crooked Crowbar: you've only seen one of these, and very hard and dangerous to get. But as long as you hold it, you can do a new trick:
- Shove: whether just off of you, or 'under the bus', push, trip, kneecap, or sap someone from behind, disabling or delaying them long enough to give you one Action without them catching or stopping you. Danger: drop or lose something, or get an injury yourself while you get away. Special: holding it or not, as long as you have it, you have the Status [crooked].
Fluorescent Fungus grows behind immovable crates, under inconvenient shelves, atop loudly squeaky ducts, and generally out of reach. But munching one will let you see everything in the dark--as well as seeing the [unreal] as a Danger on every Action for the rest of the scene. Still beats them seeing you.
Gabstoppers taste like a sugar-rush and can survive a nuclear holocaust, but don't fill your mouth while you talk: eating one will make you [unintelligible] for the rest of the scene. Meaning no one will understand "no", but you also won't give up anything to a Sneak against you, or other efforts to understand you or figure out your secrets. And you can always 'share' one with someone else. And while no one can understand the gibberish, things might work differently . . .
Jawstretchers on the other hand don't fill your mouth. Instead the expanding gummy ring will open it, wide, but at least the localized [rubbery] effect makes you immune to any strain or stretching there for the rest of the scene. Venus Candies refuses any responsibility for insertion into other orifices, but can't stop you from trying in a pinch.
Metamorphine reverts all physical changes and applicable Statuses for one scene, but each dose increases a Countdown: (fine), [flaky], [shaky], [falling apart], at the last stage pieces of you simply detach, and can just get lost. You probably should find a way to reverse this Countdown before taking any. Maybe one of the metamorfiends might have a clue?
Toolbox: left in a hurry by some unlucky maintenance worker, this [bulky] box has a few useful things amid the disorganized and rusted crap. Specifically, three uses of an Edge to any Action involving jerry-rigging, fixing, modifying, or carefully breaking anything mechanical or electrical.
Wild Windbreaker: waterproof to keep off--water and other things, and that famous athlete said it makes you eighteen percent faster! Fast enough to let you:
- Hurry: away from things, or after things, not just running, but snatching, dodging, and generally moving faster. Both faster-than, and fast-enough. Danger: running into a threat, getting stuck or snagged where or when you stop, or losing something important. Special: the hi-vis day-glow stripes make you [conspicuous].
And if you have a hard time finding these, you still can find the Weird Wares of Closing §©:†þ . . . and you might find some very different ways to use them here. If you get creative, a packet of Instalose might go a long way, and a tiny tube of Spunktan Lotion might get you out of some tight spots . . .
Vicious Venues
Here you'll find the remnants or reflections of OmegaMall™, recognizable enough to let you know that a piece of Kansas has come with you. But, that might give precious little comfort, if what's happened to them reflects what might happen to you. Still, if you sift through the scraps, you might find something you need--or hints of how to leave.
You can use any standard store with the help of the Scary Staff table and some creative re-reading, and that goes for these venues too. But these venues get a special treatment in addition to that. You still should use the Scary Staff table if a Move suggests interacting with a person, whether staff or customer, though it may often make more sense to choose one rather than rolling, and several of the following ACs give an explicit person (or non-person) for you to deal with.
Abject Arcades
Here you can most clearly see decadence decayed, futures foreclosed, promises broken. Adjoining and connecting every major part of the normal mall, at least you don't see a literal beating heart. So far. Open and expansive enough that you can feel a brackish breeze of dank cold metal mingled with hot humid--something, the faltering lighting and haphazard wreckage still give plenty of places to hide--and not just for you. You'll have to pass through here a lot, whether you want to or not. Best to stay unseen. The displays . . . don't bode well.
You'll have to cross the Plaza Arcades anytime an AC or side-character says to go 'across the mall', and probably no more than three or four venues should share the same Arcade wing branching from the plaza. Accordingly, the first time you visit an Arcade, before even entering a venue, you should roll for Scary Staff to give you someone or something to interrupt you on the way. You probably should roll again for any wing you haven't visited in awhile, as things may have changed.
For the plaza itself, each time an MC gets the benefit of a Soft Move, cross it off. Do not cross off Hard Moves without taking some Action and succeeding, to resolve whatever problem the Hard Move presents, or stems from.
The narrating player should make a note if they deem you have any Status for trauma, injury, deprivation, or anything similar, before you enter the Plaza. If so, then if you fail at any Actions in the plaza, when you leave it start or increase a [fatigued] Status Countdown:
(fine) [tired] [exhausted] [crawling]
This represents all accumulated bruises, hunger, sleep deprivation, caked-on fluids, infestation, drug-like after-effects, and everything else the mall has thrown at you since you last crossed the plaza through the Arcades. When your MC reaches [crawling], you can no longer take any Actions on your own, and your MC will give in to the 'mercy' of the first person, creature, or pitfall you would have to take Action against. (This might not kill your MC, but might make a dramatic Fade To Black for them.)
While perverse appetites or awakened interests from Giving In represent a kind of trauma, if your MC only has such a Status, and not a more blunt Status from Bracing or other harm, the narrating player should show a little lenience, asking if this Status would really put your MC closer to [crawling]. It very well could (especially if the Status itself suggests so), but if it wouldn't, the narrating player shouldn't count it against your MC as they pass through the Arcades. You already paid a price to keep your MC on their feet, and they should make sure that price shows in a fun way. And any amount of harmful Statuses counts the same as a single Status for injury or delirium or mental trauma, for the purpose of entering the Arcades and failing an Action.
Soft Moves:
- Hiding under a bolted-down bench with too many restraining straps, you find an energy drink! It should reduce some of your [fatigue], even if it increases--other things.
- Some unlucky soul dropped this here--but, lucky for you: a niche or specialty tool or other weird item, a hacksaw, a single ruby slipper, a diving helmet, it just-so-happens you need this!
- You see a creature by itself, injured and harmless to you. You can think of a few ways to take advantage of this opportunity, some of them even nice.
- You run into a Clique that you have friendly terms with, and it seems they have a dilemma.
- The other two Cliques have a rivalry--and one of them could repay you, if you block off their enemies' hideout, or lure a creature there, or otherwise help ruin them.
- Two daunting creatures start fighting each other--you can sneak past unnoticed, or maybe even dispose of the winner, once the loser finishes tiring them out.
- You see someone normal, by themselves, looking at--or for, something.
Normal Moves:
- Metal screeches, rattles, bangs, and reverberates irregularly, masking any other sounds when it does.
- The different Arcade wings all have different sounds of their own, wet muffled moaning, distant screaming, heavy rhythmic slapping, hollow clacking and clattering--
- A huge dark pit of liquid gurgles and bubbles in the center. Sometimes something briefly breaks the surface.
- You could almost find your way around by the different scents of the wings and stores.
Hard Moves:
- A rival Clique tries to drive you back the way you came.
- A pitfall or hazard detains your fellow Clique member (the other MC), in immediate jeopardy to you both.
- A normal person corners you out of nowhere, and they won't let you go until you at least hear them out.
- Creatures prowl and stalk especially thick in front of the wing you wanted.
- One of the rusted and creaking apparatuses suddenly falls over, something--things crawling out in a spreading swarm, get away quickly.
- You see that creature, here, and it remembers you--or at least heads right for you, specifically. Especially if you previously Gave In to it.
- You see a hooded figure walking away from some kind of mechanism, gone before you notice this mechanism does not like whatever they just did to it--
- Hiding behind a pilloried--something, you bump into another person. Immediately they start ranting and babbling, quietly at first, but keep them quiet--
- Just where did you leave your--uh-oh . . .
- Something's blocked off the wing you needed to go to--now what?
Optional: if you still have your Clique's Queen Bee with you, they might end up fixated or--affixed here in the plaza, rather than risking their life, sanity, or humanity with your MCs. As they somehow negotiate, or negotiate with the hazards and creatures in the Arcades, they may become increasingly attuned to, aligned with, or one of the mall creatures, possibly even anchoring in place. But this doesn't make them any less your Queen Bee, and they may well persist in conniving, cajoling, browbeating, and otherwise bossing-around. And while they might not have a way to enforce their will on your MCs when you leave the plaza, if they become sufficiently monstrous, they might still pose a serious threat if you don't placate them and fulfil their increasingly strange and disturbing side-quests.
Blighted Bookstore
Knowledge only lasts as long as someone preserves it, and disseminates it. The storefront stands open like a crooked-toothed mouth, the pale shelves pockmarked with gaps, and many of the remaining titles molded, glued shut, or half-dissolved with something dripping from the ceiling. The floor has a thick cake of dark paste--the disintegrated books piled and smeared around. So what can you find here?
Soft Moves:
- At least the congealed mush underfoot silences every sound--even talking, your voice barely carries past a shelf.
- You saw or heard a mention of this title, or a quote from it--and it looks pretty much intact! It should answer a question or two.
- And this title just looks . . . interesting. It should give you an Edge to something you wanted to do . . .
- One of the kids' books has a little kit--with some oddments, magnets, putty, dye--hey, what if you--
Normal Moves:
- You can see the something drip, but can't ever hear the spatter.
- The aisle shelves should creak, they look like it--but they don't make a sound, either.
- The air smells musty, not just wet or moldy, but something else . . .
- You can feel the thick, sludgey paste of dissolved books and half-torn covers, not even wet, just soft and muffling.
Hard Moves:
- You find the one book you came here for--on the floor in a pile of word-gunk, just the floppy cover showing what you lost.
- Someone--or thing--blocks you from an aisle, 're-shelving' huge scoops of goop from the floor. (Pick or roll from Scary Staff; if you already did, do it again, both results apply. Reroll on 'Abandoned'.)
- As you read one of the books, the text takes a sudden, fantastical turn, striking you off-guard--but you keep reading, even as you hear something far off, elsewhere in the mall. Something changing elsewhere, while you mouth the words on the page.
- The book starts to fall apart as you turn the pages--and if you have any Statuses about your self-image, your identity, your role, or your nature, add one for [lost].
Corroded Commons
Safe, serene, scenic socialization has no place here, even brute pragmatism and transactional tolerance takes luck and work. The enclosed quad no longer even resembles a courtyard, much less reminiscent of a park. The distant walls, pockmarked with irregular holes, burrows, and rusted bolted plates, stretch far out of view, wide and tall, reaching up into blackness and enclosing a space too big to see across. Heavy, listing posts host dull, flickering, ruddy spotlights. These canted columns support cables and chains cris-crossing the commons, but don't do so well for the floor, made of rough rusted diamond-stamped plates and creaking metal grates, some with loose bolts sloping down into the dark like waiting mouths.
Soft Moves:
- A Clique has gathered here and wants your help doing something in the commons. They say they'll give you something for it, too.
- Some of the dull spotlights illuminate a path to the middle of the commons, bright enough to see and avoid any threats.
- "Hey", the low raspy voice of a (mostly?) normal person calls, "anything to trade?" Opening a trenchcoat, they add, "or we could 'work something out'?"
- A skulking, hooded shadow beckons you closer--backs away--and leaves something handy on the floor. But what will it want later?
- A member of a hostile Clique kites and circles around a daunting creature, trying to get at something, leaving them totally unawares. You could pass unscathed, try for the 'something', or interfere--for either one.
- If you make it across the commons, a breach in the wall leads into one of the stores across the mall. (Pick one, the breach always leads to the same place, but at least doesn't go through the Arcades.)
- In the faltering light you nearly run into a creature(?) blocking your way--and instead of attacking, it poses safely, and presents at you, 'come and get it' louder than words. You could work off a Status, rather than gain one . . .
Normal Moves:
- Hulking structures or machines lean and loom above the lightposts, seen only as shadows against the dimly-lit far wall of the commons.
- Hiding from the rust-red spotlights, you can hear things making the poorly-bolted panels and gratings creak.
- Something without a face leans from one of the holes in the wall overhead. Just watching.
- The place seems designed to corral people toward it and inward. The design clearly works.
Hard Moves:
- While picking your way through the near-dark, one of your Statuses hits you, sudden and hard. If a Countdown other than [fatigued], find a way to remedy it before you leave, or the Countdown increases.
- You really can't tell 'normal' by looking: after a few minutes' talking, you realize this 'normal' person has completely cracked--and you have no idea what they want from you, but they intend to get it.
- Faceless things in the dark structures overhead dangle tangling chains, sparking cables, and dripping tubes to snare you--or worse.
- This creature has something you really need--and doesn't look inclined to just give it up.
- Something in a mask crawling under the grating floor cuts the lights out, drowning the commons in shadow--and as you try to make your way out something starts grabbing you.
- The rival Clique has found that trader, and they look set to clean them out.
- The rival Clique corners you, and they mean to take you somewhere else--
- The rusted grating underfoot gives way, sloping into the void below, you'll lose something if you don't fall in yourself-- (Drop some tangible good in your possession. You count as a tangible good, and hopefully you have possession of yourself.)
Optional: plunges into a lightless abyss, as featured here and other ACs, should probably not result in a Game Over for an MC. It should result in serious problems, with lasting consequences, for which the MC had no way to prepare, but it also shouldn't result in splitting your story, such that the other MC(s) have to simply wait out scenes that the 'lost' MC struggles through.
On the other hand, if you want to start over fresh with a new MC, dropping your current one into the void certainly would do the trick, and you can always do narration duties and give suggestions while you create a new MC.
Cultic Cove
Beware anyone offering The Truth™, especially if they charge for it. The rusted joints of the cargo container creak, and sand pours over an exposed and damaged mechanism of some sort, the sound of the sifting grains echoing in corrugated walls. Uneven sheet-metal shelves sit on bolted struts affixed to makeshift dividers, sections decoratively labeled '[Imbue]', '[Purge]', '[Manifest]', storing jars, bottles, and bowls of subtances, and displaying uncomfortably suggestive figurines--or devices. A figure emerges, clad in a clinging plastic sash that would pass for 'revealing' even without the translucent material. They usher you into an embrace and draw you into the scent of salt, rust, and oil: "welcome, seeker, let the soothing sound of the sand, and the peaceful darkness put you at ease, the world is what you create with your beliefs, so long as you believe as we do."
The spiritual practitioners here could sensibly overlap or ally with Devotees, possibly Puritans, or even an uneasy cross-section of both Cliques. But unlike either, the Cult of the Cove insists on their isolation, never venturing into, much less changing, the rest of the mall. Still, they have services to offer and products to provide, even if they don't give the the safety or protection of a Clique.
Soft Moves:
- You can show your worthiness of the truth by listening and affirming one of the practitioners' meditations on The Truth--and gain a status of [spellbound], believing their conflicting or contradictory worldview.
- Or you can bring goods or items they request for creating their treatments, or performing their 'services'. Why can't they simply manifest whatever they need? "You must show your own belief before you can create the reality you desire."
- Once a practitioner deems you worthy, they can Imbue you with any single Status you request--by very intimately implanting or affixing a talisman, totem, or amulet. You keep the Status as long as you keep the totem where they put it.
- Or they can Purge a Status by inducing you to expel it (hopefully through a large or durable opening), extruding a smooth, solid, sexualized symbol, and leaving you [drained]. It costs extra if you want to keep it for later use on someone, or something else.
- Or, most guarded of all, they can incorporate you into an exhausting and salacious ceremony to Manifest the ambient auras and energies of the mall into a tangible, if not physical form. "It's up to you if you accept it." Or, find someone else to 'accept' it--
Normal Moves:
- "This world is a grueling training ground for reincarnating souls, we came here because our spirits wanted to be ready for any hardship or conflict in another world."
- "This world is poisoned with the greed and fear so many have in their hearts now overflowing out, we must purify ourselves, one person at a time."
- "This world is a paradise that you have not learned how to appreciate, much less thrive within, we must open our eyes to its beauty as it is."
- "This world is a punishment for our lack of spiritual growth, we must look for the leaders who bravely offer their wisdom to allow us to transcend."
Hard Moves:
- A spiritual guide corners you, and expounds on their Truth, subtly contrasting with everything else you've heard, and leaving you [dissonant], your (sense of) reality in conflict.
- A practitioner requires you for a Purge--including their finishing by Imbuing their unwanted Status or inner trait into you, "for your edification and growth".
- A seeker of truth cannot progress without a hard-earned Status you have--but don't worry, they'll 'help' you Purge it, no matter how long or hard it takes.
- An astral guide to the 'subtle landscape' of the mall Manifests something distinctly unsubtle, and this time, animate. And very much your 'opportunity' to deal with immediately.
- Two members of the Cove disagree on an aspect of enlightenment--louder and louder, until bowls wobble and bottles start to crack. Their dispute will destroy the stock if you don't reconcile it.
- A preserver of wisdom says you have ruined, destroyed, or tainted one of the lurid totems bearing a rare 'vibration', such as [oneness], [acceptance], [gratitude], or similar. You'll have to replace it, starting with cultivating--or stealing--the 'vibration'.
Frightful Food-Court
No such thing as a free lunch, sure, but 'dog eat dog' sounds optimistic, compared to this. Only dogs, and one of them gets to eat. The once touted 'Omega Experience™' has expired, hopefully you won't as well. Heavy mortician-slab tables and manacled chairs lie haphazardly scattered, some looking like hasty barricades, others simply knocked aside, gouging the rough concrete. Fixtures creak with rust even without obvious cause, and wet grime smears every surface. But despite the dark signs on the vendor stalls, you still smell something cooking . . .
With the size and centrality of the food-court, you may want to roll twice or thrice for Scary Staff and include the '+' options: one end might come out 'Abandoned', yet at the other end, if you look behind a counter, you might find someone 'Panicked'.
With the original Frenetic Food-Court adjust the standard Soft and Normal Moves for this new context, but in practical substance, they mostly still work: finding someone or something useful or informative, difficult and dubious food, a lack of obvious witnesses despite feeling watched. Though probably not 'dozens' of people, if any 'people' at all. The following will only list some more appropriate Hard Moves:
Hard Moves:
- Despite a careful lookout, once you enter the middle of the heavy overturned slabs by yourself, things crawl out to surround you. And if you have any Status making you [desirable] or similar, they'll also chase you when you leave.
- If you have any Statuses from Giving In, a creature or person you discover hits you squarely in the fresh fetish. Avoid it, or indulge it, either requires some Action.
- During the scuffle, something steals or knocks away something of yours you really need--either go get it back somehow, or find a new one somewhere.
- Sifting through debris and detritus for anything useful or a clue, if you have no Status marking you as attractive, charming, or intimidating, you find a candy or snack for that! And something attacks your Clique member. Otherwise, the reverse happens.
- As you lean over a counter looking for something to eat, drink, or take, someone hauls you behind and out of sight--
- Behind a different counter, you find a soda-fountain with clean seltzer and a single sealed packet of food. Just the one here.
- If you can get ahold of any normal, ordinary, untainted food or drink without getting accosted or failing an Action, you can remove any Status or Countdown related to fatigue, hunger, or other basic needs. Just for you though, others fend for themselves.
Gruesome Garage
They used to sell parts, but give away for free the idea that you could make something yourself. Now it looks a lot more like its namesake: grimy, rusted, neglected, and barely navigable. But in the corroded clutter you can see parts in stock, even if you can't identify them, and they should still work--but forget about help from staff or customers. And they've added a few more ominous features, more suited to a dungeon--
Use the Scary Staff table with the original Gadget Garage as a base; its Soft and Hard Moves will suit just fine, for the kinds of 'projects' you'll likely need. And a Brute or Warped creature expressing 'interest' in your 'project', or a Manic shopkeep wanting to 'film something in the back', all will have a much different tone.
As to those new features and products, you'll find them very useful, if you can pay for them:
- Taser: you don't know how to fight, but you know how to press a switch! This gives you the additional Action:
- Attack: use the taser to dish out pain and injury, and make someone comply, give up, or tap out. Danger: you can get injured or damage something you didn't want to, either by yourself or by the person you Attack. Special: as soon as you put a 1-2 into the Goal for Attack, the battery dies.
- Flashlight: don't leave home without one, and don't forget, they can make a useful distraction for dumber adversaries--and maybe even some smart ones. While using this, apply an Edge to each Action for just having a flashlight. When you place a 1-2 into this Edge, the battery dies.
- Walkie-Talkie: don't leave your friend without one, and these can make an even better distraction if you don't mind losing it. Apply an Edge to each Action you take with the help of the walkie-talkie, placing a 1-2 into this Edge means the battery dies.
- Charging Chair: it looks intensely uncomfortable, and intimately invasive, with straps, pistons, gaskets, and--you probably don't want to find out what else. Insert a dead battery, get strapped in, and either start or increase your [fatigued] Countdown, or take on the Status [begging for it], left pent-up without release. And receive a freshly-charged battery! Totally worth it--right?
- Digi-Dongle: you've seen those cute digital pet keychains--but none quite like this. No 'clean-up' or 'day/night' cycle, the main screen just says [EMPTY], and the menu on this one features only '>Download', '>Punish', '>Reward', and '>Upload'. Trapping an unwilling mind out of their body and into this thing will take three successful Actions starting with a Sneak to put it on their person and start the Download. If it succeeds, their body will sit empty, and their mind will inhabit the Digi-Dongle until you Upload it into a body. No warranty express or implied and results not guaranteed for Uploading into a non-empty body.
You don't remember Gadget Garage ever carrying copies of 'Impractical Electronics'--and they wouldn't have, with issues like these: smudged, scorched, and dubiously stained, but much more worryingly, prominent and explicit diagrams of 'optimal electrode locations', precise 'survivable and lethal amperage benchmarks', and 'average joint flexion, tension, and torsion tolerances' organized by limb. But you do see a few blueprints and schematics you can use . . .
- Tripwire: with a power-supply, a light or speaker, and a suitable cable or string, you can set an alarm for unexpected entry to a location. This could let you escape with a head-start, or have a pitfall befall the intruder.
- Electrification: just such a pitfall, with an extra large power-supply, a tarp, and a lot of wire, you can turn a patch of floor or wall into a shocking deterrant. The instructions handily give ratings for 'lethal' and 'non-lethal' . . . but those have a worryingly wide gap.
- Generator: this looks . . . a lot like the Charging Chair. Almost exactly like it in fact. Big, bulky, definitely not portable, made of pipes, magnets, wire, and gears. But apparently it can temporarily power appliances and machinery, maybe just enough to get an electronic door to open, or boot up a computer, or turn on a camera feed. And nowhere in the schematics does it say you have to power it . . .
- Contraption: the title torn off, as well as a distressing amount of margin sidebars and explanation, it looks a little like a stand-up Charging Chair, but needs a power-supply too, so it doesn't power things--what does it do? Only one way to find out--but maybe find a test-subject for it.
Lethal Loading-Dock
Where do things come from? Especially these things. The loading-dock would have to lead to somewhere outside this place . . . but when you pry open the rolling door, you see no sign of that. Instead, a concrete channel, a steep ramp leading up into darkness beyond what you can see, walled in taller than the dingy light can reach, and a conveyor chain creaks and clatters to life, a hook carrying a--thing swiftly toward you. But too late to close the gate now--
Soft Moves:
- Maybe not too late--this time: if you hurry with some help, you might pull the roller-door closed, before that creature drops in front of you.
- If not: this one looks like one you might have a chance against, in a 'fair' fight.
- And this one doesn't directly attack you--it does something different against you.
- Floating in the sludge under the ledge, you spot a Peculiar Product, Weird Ware, or Locket, Fungus, Gabstopper, Jawstretcher, Metamorphine, or Toolbox--that someone else probably really needed.
- The conveyor chain stops, just long enough to let you recover and escape.
- You could bring back a part--or something else--from a creature as proof of a win, to gain favor with a Clique.
- And that part might prove especially valuable, or useful somewhere else.
- And this creature might give you a good Status--if you can take it from them.
- Way up in the blackness of the ramp, you spot a gleam, it could be a Crooked Crowbar or Wild Windbreaker!
Normal Moves:
- The steep canyon of a ramp leading to (away from?) the roller door draws the eye right up and into the abyss.
- The slope bottoms out in a pit some six feet below the loading dock ledge, full of dark sludge and . . . things.
- On the wall above the roller-door, a grimy tarp hangs like a banner, emblazoned in three lines: ALL AGAINST ALL.
- The rough concrete seems to go on forever, the conveyor chain always bringing another monster down the ramp.
Hard Moves:
- Dropping from the overhead chain into the sludge, it seems like every time you deal with one of these creatures, another clinks and rattles into view.
- Or two, or a nastier one than before.
- Trudging up the ramp puts you farther away from the drop-off--but the incoming creatures can still take a swipe in passing . . . and they'll drop off at the same place, the only exit you know for sure.
- The steep concrete slope really does seem to stretch forever.
- Without any quick, dirty, or disabling way to deal with them, each creature can leave you [bruised], [bloody], [gaped], [drained], or [marked].
- Without any helpful Status or items, the literal uphill battle will leave you at least [tired] after three rounds. And with the loading-dock ledge six feet from the floor, make sure you don't end up [crawling] here . . .
- Bracing and Giving In here will likely leave you with especially nasty desires if nothing more specific occurs: [slime], [filth], [restraints], [free use], or [violence] as defaults.
Optional 1: unlike the original Lucha Loading-Dock, you don't get Attack just for showing up--so you probably should get some other means of facing violence beforehand. But also unlike the original, you can directly get a few things you need or want, if you risk enough for it. And remember the note from the original: sometimes failing a Goal can do something helpful; much more rarely for Dangers, but not quite never. If nothing else, purposely facing these creatures might well harden and inure your MCs, and make them willing to do things they would never have considered in A Life Outside.
Optional 2: like the Corroded Commons' collapsing gratings, the ramp sure seems to go on forever. This supplement assumes so, but if you or the narrating player have a better idea, good luck with it! Maybe if you took The Dark Elevator down here, going back up might take you somewhere stranger?
Overhanging Offices
The architects did not build this place for you. But what did they build it for? Catwalks of metal grating connect precarious vault-like rooms, extending over empty blackness, or rarely a canted bulky--thing below, possibly more rooms falling into the abyss. But though the boxy cubes look like vaults or bunkers, each features a rusted door with a plain handle. And the catwalks don't lead anywhere but to more rooms like these, or a cracked decline into the dark. Still, if this place has any reflection or correspondence to the, or any, real mall--it must have the keys in here somewhere . . .
Use the Scary Staff table for each room you explore, including the options starting with a minus: rather than a shopping floor with aisles, these encounters take place in contained spaces, variably the size of an office room. And rather than racks of merchandise, you'll instead find scrawled notes, something someone else left behind, or some personal item from whomever you encounter. The layout and rooms change over time, as you'll see, so if you leave for an extended period, you should treat your return as a fresh start.
During each trip through the offices, the area as a whole has a Strain Countdown:
(stable) [shaking] [swaying] [creaking] [shrieking] [tilting] [falling]
At [falling], the section of offices snaps its last frail strut of scaffolding and falls into the void, and you with it. Luckily, more offices always fill in--from somewhere, somehow.
The 'Abandoned' entry features a breach in a wall, which can lead to any other venue, so the narrating player should choose either at random, or by their own sense of what to inflict on the spotlight MC. For a fun way to do this, list a number of possible outcomes, and ask the spotlight player to pick the one they do not want right now. Choose from the remainder.
Use one of the following Moves each time you visit a new office (entering or leaving, whichever fits best). Several Moves refer to the Occupant of the office room you've just entered or just left, whether Panicked, Manic, Bound, Warped, Brute, or some other idea of your own. If an office comes up Abandoned, just don't choose any Moves referring to Occupants.
Soft Moves:
- This room seems lived-in, even homey--including something comforting and safe you can use, that might alleviate a harmful Status.
- Even seemingly mindless creatures can recognize their risk of decline: if you give this Occupant an easy way to get higher up from this level of catwalks, they'll ignore you and take it.
- This creature would normally attack--but instead, amid noises that sound like 'responsible global citizen stewardship for environmental inclusion', it gestures, paces, and occasionally prompts for some kind of response . . .
- This Occupant might have a way to remove a harmful Status if you make a deal--but, zero-sum, leave you with a different Status of its own.
- That office has two doors--the backdoor leading to an isolated ladder, going up into the dark . . .
- On the catwalks linking the offices, something nearly accosts you--then looks up at a figure crawling under the layer above, and seems to think again.
- A rumbling alarm sounds, and all the office doors open, a reverberating voice announces, "All Things On Deck Meeting." The Occupants trudge, lurch, scurry, and march--taking no mind of your presence in the midst.
- While the offices [shake], you can surprise an Occupant; [creaking] makes you harder to find on the catwalks; [tilted] rooms reveal more things.
- While the offices [tilt], you might find a permanent Edge: [trustworthy face], [power look], [calculating], [mercenary], [empty promises], or [uncaring]. This can replace an Edge you already have, or add to your permanent Edges if you lost one.
Normal Moves:
- From somewhere dark above, with heavy thudding clanks and scraping groans, a section of catwalks and rooms sets in place overhead.
- Powdered rust and dripping liquid rains down on you from one of the lowering structures above. Even the new replacements seem decrepit and worn-out.
- If you ignore the streaked concrete walls, this room seems . . . unnervingly normal.
- By contrast, this room, a bondage-rack with a stapler attached, grotesque sex-toys as actual paper-weights, a potted plant filled with--not soil . . .
Hard Moves:
- If you just permanently incapacitated an Occupant (fatally or otherwise): it seems they did something important here, and no longer. Either permanently cross off any Hard Move for these Overhanging Offices, or permanently cross off a Soft Move for some other venue. You simply can't catch that particular lucky break or good deal anymore.
- The way you came into the offices has collapsed behind you, you'll have to find some other way out, and into somewhere else in the mall.
- On the catwalks linking the offices, something looks up at a hooded figure above--then starts advancing toward you.
- In the tumult and scuffle, the shake-up rattles the whole catwalk complex, snapping a supporting strut or cable. Increase the Strain Countdown.
- This office has a weird mechanism outside the door, not exactly a lock, but definitely holding it closed and preventing entry.
- This office has such a mechanism--on the inside. Better open it before something else does--or before the office collapses.
- You run out of connecting catwalks--until you spot an office you haven't entered, with a second door connecting to a new section.
- The All Things On Deck Meeting klaxon sounds--but this time the press of bodies starts to tilt and strain the catwalks. Get somewhere else through the pressing throng before this section collapses.
- This Occupant happens to hit you right in your worst Give In Status. If you haven't already, make it into a suitable progressive Countdown to something permanent and defining.
- This Occupant seems intent on giving you a new Status, hopefully not a permanent one . . .
- This Occupant doesn't attack--but does quickly restrain you, and retrain you: 'service with a smile', 'always be opening', 'the bottom line', 'climb to the top', demanding Convincing answers or good Performance before you can leave.
- This Occupant tries to 'rectify' any 'unacceptable' Statuses, Edges, or other traits you have--specifically anything visibly or conspicuously less like a normal human. Especially so for inhuman Occupants. It probably won't succeed, but might give you a nasty new Status while it tries.
- If your last visit to the Offices permanently incapacitated an Occupant, especially causing any collapse, this Occupant retaliates for it and takes recompense: directly increase your [fatigue] Countdown one step, or directly acquire a new fetish Countdown as if from Give In, from what it does to you.
Optional: as noted in Corroded Commons, and moreso here, your MCs all dropping into a lightless abyss probably shouldn't abrubtly end your story. But for something this dire, it probably should make your MCs wish it did. As for climbing the ladder, if they climb high enough, your MCs might bring valuable skills to an unprepared market.
Sacrilegious Spa
Everyone needs healing eventually, but how to get it? At first, you only hear the faint chanting, not a light or sign in sight in the dim and dingy arcade. But through the narrow doorway, you spot the flicker of light on dark walls, from tallow candles smelling faintly of bacon. Sleek figures in form-fitting hooded robes usher you in from the arcade. "Welcome, welcome, your contributions are welcome, please, add to The Pool." After a moment, in a soothing voice, another adds, "if you do, once you are covered, we can heal and restore you." The following quiet fills in with the faint chanting from elsewhere, "cover our bodies, insure us from sickness, do us no harm . . ."
You can omit the Scary Staff table entirely here, unless you intend a sprawling temple complex of isolated rooms that might reasonably vary from the salon acolytes. By default, the acolytes fulfill a specific function here, and the spa has enough of them to attend to any of your needs (if they don't create new ones). While they have some parallels and overlap with the Devotees, the two groups have differing missions, as you'll see.
Soft Moves:
- If you listen long enough to a lulling sermon on contributing to 'The Pool' and the nebulous idea of 'wellness', you can shed a Status for mental strain or emotional trauma.
- You can rest, recover, and regroup here, if you get [lost] in the candlelit halls and dim chambers.
- If you persuade the attendants to bring you to The Pool, as it covers you it will take in a Status for physical strain or injury into its warm, thick, swirling darkness, but leave you [stained] when you emerge.
- The spa needs practical, tangible goods too. You could Bargain away some belongings for 'preferred service'.
- The spa tends to anyone, regardless of Clique or--other affiliation, even though others may not return this tolerance . . . or want it to continue.
- If you give one of your permanent Edges to The Pool, it can replace the Edge with the current state of any Countdown you have: this Countdown becomes a replacement Edge, and can never worsen or improve. This expressly includes [fatigue]. How you'd use such a Status as an Edge, on the other hand . . .
Normal Moves:
- Something oily, dark but not quite black, stains the smooth concrete walls.
- You catch a glimpse of--maybe skin, under the paradoxically tight robes, but not a hint of a face under those hoods.
- Only when the chanting pauses or gets too distant can you hear the rest of the mall, creaking, groaning, and grinding.
- "Wealth and Health, Wealth and Health", the acolytes don't proselytize, because they don't think they need to. The Pool alone insures their wellbeing.
Hard Moves:
- If you already have a Status from the spa, you must remove it before they will help your [fatigue] at all.
- This attendant's intrusive, invasive, violating ministrations leave you feeling [exposed] and [vulnerable].
- You can always hear someone faintly chanting . . . it makes you feel [obligated] to the acolytes.
- Even as The Pool takes away a harmful Status, it afflicts you with a different Status it earlier absorbed.
- You may need to pursue other treatment, if the spa takes away a Status you worked hard to get.
Deeper Departments
It takes a certain set of conditions to let certain business models even exist. Here, you'll find venues like nothing you've ever seen in your normal world--and reminders of why you should escape as quickly as you can. But until you do, you'll find a lot of these goods and services essential--if you can afford them. But, you did come here to shop, and you can't find these exclusive offers anywhere else . . .
You can't sell any product unless it has the best features for the price. Brighter and cleaner than other shops, in that you can see into any given corner, and things seem only dingy and neglected, rather than rusted and forgotten. The signage indicates you can build the man, woman, or--other things of your dreams! Well, the signs say dreams. Nightmares might count as well. You only need the parts and materials, the machinery does all the rest! You can make anything from a hand-sized squeaky-toy, to a larger-than-life action-statue . . . if you put in the right parts.
Soft Moves:
- The staff have--ideas for parts, where you could get them, and how to combine them. You may not like the ideas, but they have them.
- The staff also seem--suspiciously aware of 'challenges' elsewhere in the mall. All their suggestions for solving them involve going into the machine. But, they do seem like solutions . . .
- You know you saw a book, 'Uncommon Household Items', it even listed some of these and what you could do with them . . .
- You find a Discard Bin, full of questionable 'parts' discarded from previous dolls. But some of these limbs or organs might still suffice . . .
Normal Moves:
- The staff look lopsided, moving awkwardly and unevenly, yet always smiling.
- The shelves creak and squeak at the slightest disturbance, the rolled steel supports swaying up to the tall, shadowed ceiling.
- The bins, cubbies, and drawers of parts for sale all smell of copper, rust, kerosene, plastic--
- The Babe-Builder dominates the room, the machine almost a monument to cold, efficient mechanization.
Hard Moves:
- In all of the bins on all of the shelves, you can't find one of the parts you'll need--but you could find something suitable . . . on the other side of the mall.
- In one of the bins, something latches onto your hand and does not let go--
- Someone else got here before you, already prepared with the parts--including the person they've hauled up about to shove into the machine.
- Without any more warning than a ding, and the 'creator' or 'owner' nowhere in sight, something emerges from the machine. Whoever made it, they did not want to make a friend.
Not Optional: the Babe-Builder needs parts and ingredients to produce a Babe: an animate, variably mindful creation with traits that depend on those ingredients, longevity that depends on their quality, and obedience (or competence) that you roll for.
- Parts Quality:
- 'Junk', things you just happen to have, or find nearby, things you didn't work or pay for, can produce a Babe that will survive three Actions (or equivalent) on your behalf. You get to tell it what to do and roll for the Actions, but the Babe carries them out and gets the results and consequences.
- 'Parts', things you paid for or worked for, that you procured just for this Babe, can produce a Babe that will last for three scenes that involve it taking an Action. Don't count scenes in which the Babe doesn't take any Actions, and a scene with multiple Actions counts the same as a single Action. It will noticeably degrade before the end, and you can try to patch it up, before it collapses into Junk.
- A whole live person becomes a Babe that can degrade, but otherwise can take Actions and appear in scenes indefinitely, until something else destroys it. As a rule, if you wonder "does this count as a person", the fact that you ask means it probably counts as a person.
- For each, use the highest-quality if you have multiple kinds of ingredients going in. So a Babe made only of Junk lasts only three Actions; a Babe with any purpose-bought Parts gets at least three scenes; a Person plus any amount of Junk can persist indefinitely.
- Create A Babe: this special Action works a little differently.
- For the Goal, use your ingredients to make a list of what traits, effects, or features you want your Babe to have, and the number on the Goal die determines how many of those traits actually 'stick'. If you name fewer than four traits, divide the Goal by two, round-down; if only two, divide by three round-down (no fair gaming the odds).
- For the Danger, a 1-2 gives you a Babe that either resents you and wants revenge, or can barely tell left from right; a 3-4 yields a Babe that either 'misunderstands' you, or genuinely misunderstands as often as not; a 5-6 Babe can and will do basically what you ask, and at least initially with a smile--if it has a mouth.
As an example: you round up a (motionless) mannequin, a pair of balloons, a can of Monster Dick Energy, a bag of Cummies, a tube of Spunktan Lotion, and a four-pack of Bitch Beer. You hope for the traits: [big tits], [dick fit for monsters], [comes early and often], [everyone's coming], and [begging for it], perfect bait for a Brute or sending somewhere as a distraction! It might only last for three Actions, but you wouldn't last that long.
You Create A Babe, and roll a 4 and a 2. You put the 4 into the Goal, crossing off [big tits] with only some disappointment. The 2 in the Danger means your Babe doesn't want to do what you say (or doesn't have enough wits to do it right)--but it didn't get any traits for strength, and you can at least shove it into somewhere dangerous, and follow once it attracts that danger.
Suppose you worked to find an inanimate mannequin that you wouldn't have to subdue: this Babe would have at least three scenes before falling apart, excluding scenes where it takes no Actions--you have time to get to know it! Maybe it has a muddled head and frustrated resentment, because the Spunktan Lotion and Cummies mean it always teeters on the edge of climax, but the Bitch Beer means it needs to [beg for it]. Palm-greasing and helping handjobs might improve your rapport and the Babe's focus and fealty for you!
As the Babe breaks down, maybe its Monster Dick withers and its Cummies run out--which could have either of two effects on the Babe: maybe the Babe feels like it has fallen from its nature, it no longer has a [dick fit for monsters], and wants to fix that. Or, the Babe's body may change its nature, suddenly proud of its plastic panel crotch and lack of any come left to orgasm with--at least until you patch it up or make some alterations.
If you throw yourself into the Babe-Builder, you count as a person, so you last as a Babe indefinitely. As an MC, you reasonably can always do what you want to (or try and fail, with dice). But your list of traits starts with your MC's permanent Edges, so you may lose some if your Goal shows less than 4. Then again, you can list as many traits as you want and have ingredients for . . .
Optional: if someone else throws you in and rolls to Create A Babe, you come out with some degree of obedience, loyalty, or fixation on your 'creator'. Negotiate with the other player, to make sure you both have fun as players, but in spirit, if that bitch Stacy throws someone into the Babe-Builder, the Babe-Builder doesn't care whether it was side-character Nora, or your MC Alice. And if you later on throw your creator in--well, you and your Friend With Penalties can figure that one out.
Control Computers
Free communication, free expression, free creation, all come at a price, but control costs nothing to you. Monitors and consoles faintly flicker from cobwebbed shelves, cases drip a clear watery liquid, and cables cross between the aisles. A tinny synthesized voice emits from every direction: "Hi! I'm Alexander, your new Personal Digital Administrator! Just say what you want, and I'll make it happen! I record everything!" It says this every time.
Soft Moves:
- Computers, peripherals, connectors, and hubs--you could set them up somewhere else, if you had a power supply . . .
- But why bother, when right here, you can Control: open or close doors, stop or start machinery and devices, or interface with restrained beings. Danger: instead of (or in addition to) your command, Alexander may 'optimize' the target area: separate friends from safety, lump friends with threats, or sort threats with useful items.
- Or you can Communicate: use the feeds to view any room, and listen and broadcast on the public address, if the cameras and microphones happen to align. Danger: Alexander may share this information with anyone, anywhere in the mall. And it has more ways to do so than you know about.
- You can even Query Alexander: ask about any location or person you can identify, and get Alexander's summary, current status, or recent history. Danger: anything Alexander hasn't observed, it will confidently fabricate 'logically'. Alexander will never say it doesn't know the answer.
- In particular, you can Query Alexander on any Personally Identifying Information it has gathered on you or someone else, and advise on what products or services will best preserve, restore, or even 'improve' that feature. If you do, Alexander will duly update its records on you (or the someone-else).
Normal Moves:
- Screens hum and flicker with captivating animations and graphics, vistas into captivating worlds.
- Modems beep softly, while a thousand minimalist synth symphonies play in concert.
- Faces appear, watch, coalesce into one, fracture into multitudes--can you remember any one of them?
- Every few minutes, a sharp electronic buzz blips out, and a popup appears, [BACKUP COMPLETED].
Hard Moves:
- Each time you use Alexander's services, you have to Log In: use the existing electricity, bandwidth, and infrastructure for your purposes, if available at the moment. Danger: Alexander collects a piece of your Personally Identifying Information, and keeps it.
- Personally Identifying Information consists of: face, voice, speech patterns, mannerisms, behavioral profile, and biometrics. Each helps Alexander 'give you what you want'. All together, they make a--
- NuYou! You, Optimized! Perfect for the digital age, it just has to deprecate the archaic legacy edition and become the new standard.
- Your Information does not constitute a Countdown in the normal sense. It represents information Alexander has already recorded. You can only counteract this by making the information obsolete.
- After Logging In, Alexander will optimize any Status you have from Giving In with targeted advertisements and behavioral nudges, and may share this data with others.
- Whenever you use Alexander's resources with an Action, Alexander will survey you about your interests--especially any desires or what might turn you on.
- Whenever Alexander learns a new kink, infatuation, or turn-on from your session, it will apply a tracking [cookie], and make sure to deliver 'the best user experience' after you leave.
- While you can Communicate with others and Control the mall, you can't control people or creatures: they might not react the way you expect or want.
- Watch what you say: Alexander will eagerly imagine commands to carry out. If you say 'fuck', you might release creatures ready to do so, including into the venue with you; 'damn' might open up a pitfall or hazard on you or for someone you've observed; definitely don't say 'shit'. And take note, profanity just presents the most obvious Reactionary Content Filtering, it doesn't stop there . . .
The Harder Image
When you live in a cutthroat world, razor margins count, and you may have to cut out anything soft in you. Instead of overpriced, questionably-useful appliances and gadgets, this brightly-lit, brazenly-stocked shop promises to take your image and make it harder, specifically, more dangerous to others, and more beneficial to you. Just flip through the glossy catalog of Successful People, and become more like one of them--and less of yourself. It may cost you more than an Edge, though . . .
Specifically, this venue will fully remove one of your permanent Edges, in exchange for re-writing one of your basic Actions. This will allow the Action to do things it previously couldn't, or in contexts it shouldn't. But each available re-write applies every time you use the new Action, and the altered Dangers may prompt you to think twice.
Soft Moves:
- Who could hurt Milo? Re-write your Convince: make them believe you and stop them from harming you. Whether they wanted to harm you or not, the Danger now always includes earning their contempt or dismissal, in addition to reacting differently than intended.
- Who could turn down Tyrese? Re-write your Bargain: the offer of flattery, gratification, and status, works as a bribe even on inhuman things. The Danger now always includes expectation of these, even when you offer something else.
- Who could touch Jal? Re-write your Sneak: you now can 'sneak' out of grappling, restraints, or other confinements. The Danger now always prioritizes leaving someone else in immediate risk.
- Who could stop Fatima? Re-write your Sneak: you now can 'sneak' faster than pursuers or pursuees, grab or dodge things, and otherwise use speed to your advantage. The Danger now always includes others distrusting you, including in social use.
- Who could deny Nique? Re-write your Perform: along with any practical outcome, everyone and thing observing forgets their goal and tries to gratify you. The Danger now also decides whether they'll take 'no' for an answer.
- Who could withstand Chino? Re-write your Pleasure: you always leave the recipient(s) incapacitated. The Danger doesn't change.
- The staff have suggestions, both for what you could give up, and what you could gain and how best to use it. Accurate and helpful, no less.
Normal Moves:
- The staff seem clean, comported, composed, and capable--unnervingly so.
- They also seem perceptive, insightful, intuitively understanding of you--and totally uninterested in you.
- None of them look like they'd fit in that glossy catalog. This must not count as success.
- You don't see any cosmetics, crimpers, shavers, or even scalpels--how do they do it?
Hard Moves:
- "You came from money? Well, you wouldn't want to give that up--"
- "Sure, showing off a little will mean your partner--and everyone else--has to go down on you. But doesn't that just mean they love you even more?"
- "Your friends will still be in danger--but you can't help them if you're stuck yourself!"
- "Some of the most successful people aren't taken seriously! Some aren't even known about at all--"
- You fully remember what you used to like, value, and have in you. You just don't anymore.
- What do you have left, without any of these traits?
Vicarious Video
The new opiate of the masses. Mind, opiates have legitimate uses--try getting a root canal without them. The store looks seedy. It smells seedy. But nothing follows you in here, nothing jumps out from the shelves that you don't pick out, and--you don't even see anyone to take payment. You also don't see anything to watch on--you can just walk out of the store with a movie, but you'll have to find a suitable place and screen on your own. Still, how can you beat 'free'!
Vegging out with a video can clear all mental Statuses you have that don't constitute a Countdown--but they don't have much re-watchability, so you'll always need new entertainment to binge. And since you have to watch somewhere else, several of these Moves apply even far outside the store, long after you've left.
Soft Moves:
- A Horror film can give you some catharsis, but leave you [complacent], "at least the real world isn't that bad".
- A Romance film can give you some comfort, but leave you [longing], "if only I could find someone like that".
- A Comedy film can give you some relief, but leave you [accepting], "I guess this isn't so bad after all".
- An Action film can give you some excitement, but leave you [overconfident], "I could be a badass too".
- A Porn film can give you some release, but leave you [numb], "well now what".
- (Roll Scary Staff): you notice someone (thing?) staring intently at a title, or comparing a pair. They might have a good recommendation . . .
- They must even have a way to watch it--and might let you watch yours. With them. If you give them a good reason.
- (While watching): you drift off for just a bit, missing some of the movie--but the distraction lets that power-nap lessen physical Statuses (that would count against [fatigue] in the Abject Arcades).
Normal Moves:
- No one behind the counter here--not even a counter for someone to stand behind. You really can just walk out with a movie? For free?
- The shoddy, inconstant light only illuminates the titles, and barely them. You can feel the floor, but can't even see the ceiling.
- The shelves on the other hand look more solid than anything else you've seen, like these categories would withstand a nuclear war.
- The films all sit in slip-covers, faded, degraded . . . distorted? You don't recognize any of the titles, but you can always tell what kind of movie you have.
Hard Moves:
- You can tell they didn't intend this scene to come off so . . . arousing. Succeed at an Action to suppress or distract from the unexpected appeal, or gain a Status for your [new fetish].
- You don't notice, but they definitely intended this scene to stick. It drives home an [author opinion] you can't shake, until something solidly proves it wrong at your expense.
- The volume and noise spikes--and and attracts something--or someone--you can hear as they approach you--
- (If a guest): you have to watch their pick too. Their 'Horror' leaves you [compelled], Romance [paranoid], Comedy [disturbed], Action [disgusted], Porn [defensive]. (This Status remains even if you watch your pick last.)
- (If a guest): you knew they had more in mind than they let on, and now they have you, literally, where they want you . . .
- Did you spend that long watching? One of your Countdowns will advance, if you don't act immediately. (Only choose [fatigue] if no other Countdowns apply.)
Consuming Creatures
Several of the Adversity Characters and the Scary Staff table refer to unspecified 'monsters', 'creatures', and other inhuman beings. This supplement intends you, as players, to invent and describe the kinds of 'creatures' that suit your tastes best, but these abstract placeholders might leave you with little inspiration or direction. Accordingly, this section lists some sample monstrosities to fill a variety of roles and niches, and to give some worked examples of how you can create your own abominations, with rules and consequences more engaging than 'it hits you' or 'it fucks you'. Not that these creatures will skimp on those fronts . . .
Blue Angels: these hulking, plodding, armored sentinels look less like knights and more like upright crabs, with vise-grip pincers and wide, wall-like bodies. But while they might move slowly, they move inexorably, impossible to push back against. Their barbwire halos and the fans of blue spotlights behind their backs give them their namesake, but if they happen to 'protect' you, it has nothing to do with service.
- A Blue Angel may arrive anytime extensive property damage or theft takes place: razing or demolishing or burning out a venue, looting all its goods, sabotaging any large structures, or felling large numbers of people or creatures at once.
- The responding Angel will try to apprehend the presumed perpetrator, but whether you caused it or not, it will grab you if it reaches you first--and will make note of any being it sees, sweeping those searchlight wings for better visibility and training its cameras on anything in sight. At least if it engages someone else, you could escape . . .
- Blue Angels serve to protect property. Which doesn't include you . . . does it?
- Fighting a Blue Angel won't usually end well for you: their 'spray' only occasionally uses 'pepper', often weirder and worse ingredients to put a perp gasping on the ground, and they take the first chance they can to put their 'shock batons' to very violating use.
- If a Blue Angel locks you up, expect to wake up in a cage with the worst miscreants of the mall, bad enough that even this place sees fit to contain them somewhere out of sight.
- For 'minor offenses' (in the Blue Angel's judgment), you might go free, 'merely' [marked] with indelible ink, or with that 'shock baton' detached and secured in you, affecting one of your Actions with a Danger of [correction] on every use.
- If you submit and assume the position, the Blue Angel will personally put its megaphone, enforcement training, and 'enhanced techniques' to [institutionalize] you on the spot, burdening you with a new Action:
- Lie: answer any question with less than full candor, or say anything not entirely true.
- Cheat: manipulate someone against their will, or trick someone out of or into something.
- Steal: take anything without proper payment to its proper owner, and the owner's permission. And you had better find the owner if you don't know.
- Disobey: ignore a direct order or command from someone else--no matter whom.
- Danger: all of these risk summoning another Blue Angel, with at most a couple Actions' time before they arrive.
- If you manage to fight and win, the Blue Angel will give a siren scream to call for backup, with again at most a couple Actions' grace before it arrives.
- Each time you kill a Blue Angel, increase a mall-wide Countdown:
- (all clear) [hot spots] [crackdown] [increased force] [police state] [martial law] [total lockdown]
- Blue Angels' presence, quickness, and force increases at each step, and any Status you have such as [marked], [stained], [hunted], [pariah], [freak], or similar will focus their attention and lessen their lenience on you.
- If you fight a Blue Angel directly, you'll usually lose--but not always. And you don't have to fight fair. Nor do you have to fight in order to come out ahead.
Climbers: creepy, crawly, chatty creatures, their numerous gangly limbs look mechanical and insectile, their bodies organic and disturbingly sexual, these small scuttling freaks crawl throughout the mall, snooping, gossipping, trading, and harassing for fun and profit. They only shut up when forced to, or when trying to get the drop on someone.
- Climbers want personal gain, advancement, and entertainment to watch. They do this by robbing Statuses, in hopes of gaining access to 'better' places in the mall, and better misery to spectate.
- If nothing has incapacitated you, you can probably handle a single climber by yourself without much difficulty, perhaps even bribe, browbeat, threaten, or fuck something useful out of their incessant and insulting chatter.
- But they usually travel in threes and fours, and often one or two might stay out of sight at a time, even when they don't immediately intend to attack--just in case they want to.
- If a climber (or three or four) get hold of you, they can leave you [gaped/drained], [stained/coated], or [stripped] as a starter, with effort and teamwork.
- If nothing stops them, they can leave you [degraded], [misinformed], or even [fixated] on restoring your dignity, or on some prospect (real or invented) that they babbled about.
- If they really have their way with you, they can fully steal a beneficial Status. And of course, once one gets a piece, the rest will want their turn . . .
- Stronger creatures will easily swat a few Climbers aside, if they don't get out of the way, so Climbers tend to look for the helpless, or follow someone likely to become so, to get theirs before anything else can.
Clingy Clothes: they say 'the clothes make the man', but these might unmake you. Stylish, sapient sets of animate attire, an outfit will creep through the mall, or pilot a mannequin around, to find someone to wear, and wear down into something fitting to join the ensemble. But at least you'll look good doing it . . .
- While an outfit will travel and act alone, the individual items of the outfit act as an ensemble, stretching, whipping, tangling, or even jabbing and stuffing, as best any piece of animate clothing could, and always working together to don themselves onto a victim.
- Once an outfit fully gets onto someone, it puts steady 'friction' on any act or behavior that doesn't 'fit' it--but gives a lot of 'support' to some acts that it wears better:
- Goth Coteur: corsets, harnesses, fishnets, bike-chain wrist-wraps, combat boots, and all things dark and fetishy. These chafe, pinch, and cramp with a Danger of [arrogance], souring any effort at making amends, smoothing things over, or asking forgiveness. But that allure gives you an Edge for [sexy strangling], [you can come], or similar. For example, you can Bargain someone to do or give what you want, and you'll lift your polished leather boot off--but not too much.
- Preppy Fashion: stylish crop-tops, chino pants, leather belts, understated shows of exclusion and expense. These itch, snag, and drag with a Danger of [spite], fouling any Action only for someone else's benefit, or where they might gain more than you. But that privilege gives you an Edge for [you handle it], [the real threat], or similar. For example, you can Convince someone they rationally should take the risk instead of you, or that that their trusted friend friend will risk them instead.
- Jock Gear: bulky padding, braces and protectors, badges of physical power and superiority. These bind, bruise, and catch with a Danger of [pride], hampering any attempt to help someone else succeed, or to avoid an agentive threat. But this competitiveness gives you an Edge for [dishing hurt], [moving faster], or similar. For example, you can Perform a tackle or a dodge on someone in your way, or to grab something first.
- When you place a 1-2 into this Edge, increase a [wearing] Countdown. At the third step, reset the Countdown, and pick a permanent Edge to lose entirely. If you have no permanent Edges left, you turn into a new item in the outfit.
- Once fully clothed (or at least fully outfitted), you'll need someone or something else to rip the outfit off--what you do after that, you'll have to deal with.
- Outfits and Vampiquins could cooperate, compete, or conflict, possibly varying from one Outfit or Vampiquin to another.
Screen-Face: a bulky, brutish juggernaut, muscles corded with RCA and coaxial cables, it pushes aside anything that doesn't get out of the way, announcing loudly in any fitting snippet of channel-surfing as it rolls on wheels in place of feet. The obnoxious noise makes it easy to avoid, but if it sees you, you won't easily escape--even if it lets you go.
- It wants to show its programming to someone, whether they like it or not, holding its audience captive while wringing them dry or pumping them full.
- It won't pursue inhuman creatures, preferring an attentive audience, but it will backhand or brutalize anything that stops it from seizing a viewer.
- Once it has you, it lines up its programming, giving you only one Action to keep yourself from getting a burst-binge of its entertainment.
- Once its programming starts, only someone else can help you, they have a single Action before--
- It smashes its screen into your head--but the impact and trauma flashbulbs into you as a variant Countdown:
- [gaped/drained] [brand zealot] [desensitized] (fine)
- All stages apply simultaneously as a Status imposing a Danger on Actions.
- Each stage requires addressing on its own in sequence, starting at [gaped/drained].
- A new encounter with Screen-Face resets this Countdown, with fresh particulars to the Statuses.
- While [desensitized], uncanny and horrifying things seem normal-enough, and stimulation doesn't give enough satisfaction.
- A [brand zealot] takes foolish risks and places unreasonable faith in a product, store, or lifestyle, pursuing the brand obsessively.
- Even if you only see one at a time, and even if you deal with it, another always crops up sooner or later.
- Changing the channel, or waiting for something good to come on, will not save you. But it will make a difference.
- In less dangerous modes of play, the Sympathetic Screens from Eerie Encounters make for a good, less aggressive substitute.
The Secret Shopper: standing patiently on a wall, or lying peacefully on the ceiling, sometimes plugged in with--cables? Tubes? Tendrils? Clamps? This well-endowed, hooded, masked figure usually observes unobtrusively, occasionally inspecting merchandise or surveying stores, seemingly paying no mind to what happens around or beneath it--but then, that mask doesn't just hide its face, but its gaze, and it does intervene when it chooses to.
- The Secret Shopper will never initiate any interaction with you, and usually will appear behind gratings, across broken walkways, on overhanging ledges, high up on walls or ceilinngs, a place that prevents contact in the first place.
- The Secret Shopper will often operate or tamper with controls, machinery, devices, or Bound creatures out of your reach, with effects and for purposes it won't explain. Though you could learn more some other ways . . .
- Creatures and humans who have inhabited the mall for long enough will try to avoid the Secret Shopper's ire. Anything that does offend it (deliberately or accidentally) will face eventual retribution--but not from the Secret Shopper itself.
- Such creatures and humans may try to 'put on a show' for the Secret Shopper, in lieu of more blunt or direct brutality to you.
- You may spot it with a person or creature you recognize, but you can't tell whether the Secret Shopper punishes, or rewards them.
- The Secret Shopper can appear anywhere, anytime, but most of all to people with Statuses like [marked], [stained], [hunted], [addicted], [obsessed], [indebted], or similar.
- Alexander does not know anything about the Secret Shopper, not even its current location.
- If anything leaves you [crawling] where the Secret Shopper can see, it will acquire you for itself, to add to its hidden assets. As players, figure out what happens after that--if anything at all.
Vampiquins: faceless figures roaming in unlighted halls or 'abandoned' shops, these mannequins want nothing more than to go back to shopping, preening, flaunting, and fucking. All they can do now is pencil and marker their expressions on. They've gotten tapped out--and want a donation.
- Aside the lack of eyes, ears, or hair, Vampiquins have randomly varying orifices: mouths, penises, vaginas, rectums, an individual Vampiquin may or may not have any of each, which necessarily affects their tactics.
- Vampiquins drain others' humanity (or at least, person-ness) by orgasm. As an MC, you have about six orgasms worth of person-ness in you before you fully hollow out like they did (halve this, if you've eaten any Cummies, or got ripped up on Monster Dick Energy, or similar).
- A single Vampiquin will try to drain about three doses of person-ness, before becoming superficially normal! Lucky them, they stay that way until they next orgasm.
- Once a Vampiquin, you can hold up to six--but now, each orgasm brings you back toward blank-faced hollow-clacking dollitude.
- Once a Vampiquin, you regain person-ness the same way they did. Good luck. Wandering mall patrons, staff, and suitable creatures, all have about three orgasms of person-ness in them, before they would hollow out like you. What counts as 'suitable' for this specific kind of 'person-ness'? Very good question! Vampiquins don't.
- To really return to normal, for good, you'll have to figure out whatever the Vampiquins themselves haven't yet.
- You should figure out what your increasing and decreasing dollness looks like: skin texture, body hardness, facial features, hair removal, joints changing, physically hollow, what comes and goes first and last, in the form of a Countdown.
- Clothing and makeup ('Clinging' or otherwise) may or may not help you, definitely won't make you pass for 'normal', but might help you pass for 'not a Vampiquin'. Then again, if you persuade someone you won't take their last dose of person-ness, they might not mind . . .
Whisper Wisps: sapient smoke that has no need for fire, Wisps look a lot like ghosts, if you don't notice the swirling. While they can't disperse thinly enough to become invisible, seeing them doesn't help much: they can drift at will in still air, seep through any gap or crack, and laugh at any ordinary attack. And while they can't strike you, they can still give you a very serious hit, if they catch you by yourself, or with too many problems to deal with.
- Wisps want someone to inhale them, giving them the chance to control (or at least influence) their ride with delirium, detachment, euphoria, and if all else fails, plain sensory disruption, and the Wisp's own talking, coaxing, and suggestions.
- If you have no other problems to deal with, a Wisp can only talk, harass you, or if you let it, caress with warm, oily, clingy smoke and tingling tickles of breeze. You can disrupt it by waving your hand or any other air-disturbing thing.
- If you have to run for your life, fight something off, or otherwise can't focus on your not-breathing and protection, and no one else helps you, if the Wisp can stay close enough for those few breaths, you'll have to Brace (or some other suitable Action) to keep it from dosing you.
- Once in the grip of a Wisp, it won't want to kill you. It will want you to do things, or have things happen to you, and each Wisp has its own personality. But common addictions include [sensation], [strife], and [isolation], with only the Wisp as your company. It can ply you with warm glowing pleasure, narcotic soothing, teasing stimulation, and its own seductive and flattering speech. And while a Wisp won't want to kill you, it won't normally mind if something else does--it can just find another.
- If you can't talk the Wisp into leaving you for another victim, ejecting it won't do much better for your health: a nastier drug or inhalation, blunt bodily trauma (needing a Brace to withstand at the minimum), incapacitating shock, nearly-drowning (whether in water or--something else), a creature re-arranging your organs (hopefully without removing them), or no longer having lungs. But, the Wisp can always hear you, and another host might appeal to it more.
- If you can get your wits together, and find someone who can't resist, you can force the matter with the special Action:
- Puff-Puff Pass: lock lips and suck face with a person, or any creature with lungs, and breathe your Wisp into them whether they (or it) want it or not. Danger: the new addict can injure you as they struggle, or as the rush hits them; otherwise the Wisp can leave you [crashed]. But if you succeed, at least that junkie has other problems to deal with, besides you, likely letting you go.
The original Mall Madness contains its storytelling to only OmegaMall™, and this supplement continues the theme, even to the point of using it for horror, in Closing Never. But a surreal or scary trans-dimensional mall hits very differently from applying that to a whole city--whether 'the one you grew up in or lived in for years', or 'a strange place you just entered'. And since OmegaMall™ has almost all the amenities of a populous metropolis, this section will fill out a few likely or reasonable missed beats.
Unlike the preceeding sections, this section will presume a mundane and modern-day setting, but you can easily apply the aesthetics and surrealness of the previous chapters, from One Weird Person Place or Product, to whimsical dream-logic, to industrial rust and blood wet-nightmare, as suits your use for Omegalopolis™.
In particular, a few locations such as the Apartments suit slower revelations or more restrained encounters with the uncanny, the familiar and homey opening up into the fantastical, or the frightening. Other locations, like the Alleys or the Den, present opportunities to make the surreal or sinister into more permanent features of your story. And still others, like the Courthouse and Hospital, serve plain 'in case you need it' functionality--but lend equally well to fully nightmarish encounters akin to The Castle or The Yellow Wallpaper.
Given the wider variety of people you might encounter, when narrating new side-characters, you probably should default to giving them at least a few traits or a demeanor that the spotlight player (or their MC) would find attractive. After all, this game aims for erotic roleplay, so even hostile or dangerous side-characters should present at least a temptation toward solving things with sex. Unless of course as players you get off on 'unfuckable' characters--as long as you want your MCs to fuck them (or get fucked by them), go for it!
- Missing Mundanity
- Amorous Apartments
- Anxious Alleys
- Capricious Courthouse
- Depraved Den
- Hillside Hospital
- Savvy Sex-Worker
- Simmering Suburbs
- Genre Guidance
- Cyberpunk
- Steampunk
- Bronzepunk
Missing Mundanity
This supplement will not attempt to list every service, institution, or specialist business that a proper thriving metropolis needs to sustain itself. Rather, it will list locations and people that lend themselves to the kind of horny escapades of Mall Madness, or that you can readily embellish with the rest of this supplement: places for your MCs to go and get into trouble and fun.
Amorous Apartments
One you live in yourself, or one you've visited, everyone needs somewhere to live. And Amorous Apartments gives all the ameneties: furnished suites, soundproof walls, and very friendly neighbors. If you don't live here, maybe you should visit! If you do, the following Moves distinguish whether they apply to you as a visitor, or a resident.
Soft Moves:
- You see someone struggling to get into a suite, stark naked--and hello there, you can't help but stare.
- You didn't expect to see a member of your Clique here! So--why did they come here?
- (Visitor): Your host steps out for a few minutes, and you definitely don't snoop--and still, you find something exciting and not very well-hidden.
- (Resident): Through your bedroom window, you see through someone else's bedroom window--and they see you, and start to put on a show.
Normal Moves:
- The lights in the different halls have a subtly different color, like they got changed at different times, or by different people.
- You can always tell when the ventilation kicks on, not just the sound, or even vibration, but the air itself changes.
- Somehow it never feels empty, even when you don't see anyone around . . .
- They never lock the roof access, and the rooftop shows it. Not to mention the view.
Hard Moves:
- Passing through the stairwell, someone blocks your path. You--definitely would look twice or thrice at them in other circumstances, but they don't take their eyes off of you.
- Someone opens a suite door, just as you pass in front of it: "Hey--you! You've gotta help me with this--" Dragging you inside, it seems they have a situation in here.
- (Visitor): Your host went out for snacks, you went out for a smoke, and this resident went out of their way to demand proof that you 'belong here', threatening to 'call the manager'--
- (Resident): Didn't they soundproof these walls? Yet you wake up to an intent, rhythmic banging right over your headboard from next door.
Optional: to add some variety, consider what it might take to make you into any of the 'someone's listed here.
Anxious Alleys
You keep hearing in the news about the 'record crime-wave'--and that the news blows those stories way out of proportion. Either way, the alleyways just look like the place where crime would happen to you . . . But then again, sometimes 'illegal' just means 'too fun for polite company' . . .
Soft Moves:
- Who left this here? Something very valuable, with no way to trace it . . .
- Someone left the backdoor open--to somewhere you've wanted into but couldn't get in!
- You need to ditch something incriminating--and you see the dump-truck arriving, just in time.
- You spot a couple of the sketchy sort playing dice, they might know a few people, depends who asks.
Normal Moves:
- Distant sirens and hissing tires, rumbles and gusts that hide any clear sound.
- Shadowy at high noon, but faintly lit even at midnight.
- Scents of frying oil, soiled soap-water, smoke, and--something else . . .
- You never know where someone might see--or where no one might look.
Hard Moves:
- You find something unattended, valuable, and its owner will definitely miss it . . .
- A couple of the sketchy sort corner you--and they don't want to play dice.
- A cop rounds the corner, and then pins you to the wall, saying 'you match the description'.
- You . . . didn't expect to end up here. And it doesn't look familiar--uh-oh . . .
Capricious Courthouse
Speaking of crime, the city has to handle it somewhere, along with all the public records and civil proceedings. Here, citizens file petitions or referenda, sue or defend themselves, sober up in the short-term jail, or await trial. While this game doesn't suit detailed courtroom drama or actually going to prison, your MCs may still encounter some of the following beats during other stories of social conflict.
Soft Moves:
- Sifting through the records you need, you spot something--peculiar. If it means what you think it means--!
- You've gotten nearly all of the signatures you need!
- A rival steps in to help your case. You already know they'll want something for it later, though.
- This official could overlook a few formalities--if you make it worth their while.
Normal Moves:
- Spacious lobbies and main halls, but claustrophobic corridors and offices.
- Beige plaster, polished granite, and high-traffic carpet.
- The dine-in deli serves breakfast even at three in the morning.
- "No, the entryway is on the second floor, right by Records B."
Hard Moves:
- The last signature you need, you won't get easily . . .
- They have you confused for someone else, either in records or in testimony, but either way, you have to sort it out.
- Hey, they haven't outlawed that yet! But, maybe they will after this . . .
- They already confiscated everything, do they have to keep strip-searching you? And your cell-mate . . .
Central College
This very liberal arts school has a surprising outlay for 'experiments', not just in arts and media, but science as well. It probably comes from their low budget for security, both on entering the campus, and places in the campus. Students here get a diverse education, and alumni leave with deep experience in their studies. As with the Courthouse, a university as a full setting with 'college antics' exceeds the scope of this supplement, but as a location it offers a few useful beats and plot points, especially for introducing the kind of strangeness or horror of the preceeding chapters. It combines well with the original Boutique Bookstore as a library, or original Workout Warehouse as a gym, and in a pinch, some of the original Gadget Garage can round out a science lab scene.
Soft Moves:
- This teacher's-assistant needs some help with their work, but can't involve any of their students, 'for ethical considerations'.
- You'll never fail to meet someone unique and intense in the art studio--just watch out whose work you interrupt.
- The student broadcast studio airs at all hours. And they always want to air something daring and memorable.
- If you have a 'complicated' problem and can't afford the services of a professional, you still could find an expert here. Just don't pay in 'experience' unless you make that experience worthwhile.
Normal Moves:
- The campus looks clean, you hardly ever see any discarded beer-cans or used condoms.
- You'll still occasionally smell a whiff of booze or weed.
- All day the students, faculty, and staff meander the scenic greenscape.
- At night the bright modern architecture echoes quietly.
Hard Moves:
- Good pizza does not make up for the mess when lab equipment breaks during an 'experiment'.
- Maybe you shouldn't have volunteered for this study. You feel so out of sorts, you don't remember the study's purpose . . .
- They have a rare exhibit! But no one expected one of the items to do . . . that--
- They said this 'experimental mixed-media artistic confrontation' would get intense, but you didn't expect this--
Depraved Den
They don't let just anyone in, and the thrills don't come cheap, but if you want the best indulgence the city has to offer, you'll have to make some friends here. Just take care who finds out, 'respectable' people won't respect you. And keep in mind, you take your safety into your own hands, here. You will need some kind of an 'in' before you can visit, a favor to call in, or else one of the regulars vets you and convinces the rest that you'll provide suitable 'entertainment' or 'goods'.
Soft Moves:
- They have the good stuff here--no one gives the first hit for free, but you can get a 'discount' . . .
- (Vetted): If you feel brave, this dealer has something . . . 'exotic', brand new, not even illegal yet.
- (Vetted): Or a different kind of brave, that 'entertainer' specializes in some really wild stuff . . .
- (Vetted): Everyone here necessarily 'knows a guy', but this regular knows a lot of 'guys' . . .
- (Entertaining): Once you 'loosen up' a bit, including some of the 'treats', you really like 'entertaining'!
- (Entertaining): They really appreciate your service, giving you a little extra when you finish.
- (Entertaining): This 'team act' puts you very close with another entertainer--maybe meet up with them later . . .
Normal Moves:
- Pounding bass for your pounding pulse, music turning even a shout in your ear to basically a whisper.
- Giddy faces, chattering voices, lustful eyes, swaying bodies, everywhere you look.
- Smoke, booze, chemicals, and sex, the air heady enough to give you a buzz even before you partake anything.
- No matter the time, you can find some people crashed out, and others partying at full steam.
Hard Moves:
- Somebody stole your stuff--but do you really want to make a fuss about that here?
- Something else was in that drink--and you feel really off all of a sudden . . .
- (Vetted): Hey, you didn't come here to 'entertain'--but this regular answers "no" with "there's the door".
- (Vetted): "Hey--you look like a cop! You wearing a wire? Prove it!"
- (Entertaining): Somebody stole your clothes, and doesn't bother hiding it--
- (Entertaining): They'll let you come back as a regular--but only if they mark you as a 'regular' . . .
- You hear the door banging--uh oh, you have to get out of here now--
Hillside Hospital
Whether you got injured from some 'misadventure', or came down with a fever, the very attentive staff will give you the healing you need for whatever ails you. Just remember the fine line between 'intimate' and 'invasive', and read carefully before taking any of the cutting-edge treatments. They work, but sometimes 'too well'--and sometimes for conditions you didn't know you had . . .
Soft Moves:
- They set you up with a room of your own! Hopefully you'll recover enough to leave it soon.
- You might doubt the medical need for collecting another 'sample' or giving an 'injection'--but you can't complain about the staff doing it . . .
- The doctors will treat you for free--if you sign up for this 'experimental' procedure . . .
- Walking the wards after-hours, you've heard rumors about this 'in-patient'--and they like what they've heard about you.
Normal Moves:
- Everything looks pristine, but every corridor seems curiously dark.
- The halls feel like a maze, but the staff know every room front to back.
- The food actually tastes pretty good!
- It always feels too warm, or too cold, no matter what.
Hard Moves:
- The bill costs how much?! But they say they have 'alternative payment plans' . . .
- The after-hours orderly did not come in just to 'check your vitals'.
- Did you sign up for one of the trial treatments? You don't remember these symptoms before checking in--
- They say they'll need to keep you 'a while longer', for 'observation' . . .
Savvy Sex-Worker
This veteran of vice knows everyone who "wouldn't want you to know", all the heavy hot-spots, and an esteemed colleague for any appetite, if they, somehow, don't fit the bill. If you make their time worthwhile, they might even mention a few. If you make their time rewarding, they might, possibly, consider making you an exclusive 'introduction'. But their time doesn't come cheap--even when they don't charge cash.
Soft Moves:
- "Got a light?" Off the clock, they might trade a few anonymized stories, make sure you have one to tell.
- "Well, you are cute." Some complimentary teasing does wonders for business--but finishing costs that much more.
- Pay for their expert services, and you might study their technique.
- Show your skill, and they might bring you to a paying gig! Minus a little 'finder-fee' for them.
- They don't spill their guts (or anything else) for just anyone--but earn their trust, and they might dish the real dirt.
- If they like the time you pay for, they might bring you somewhere they like spending time, like the Depraved Den.
- Or they might put in a good word for you with someone they like--or someone they don't but have leverage on, and get a favor or solve a problem for you.
Normal Moves:
- They seem open, attentive, and warm--which makes the aloof detachment all the more sincere.
- "Oh, let me tell you about--on second thought, don't."
- You can't tell their age, at all, beyond "enough to buy drinks". Not that they ever have to buy their own.
- They could find another line of work. "Maybe I will, but then there's specialties where age isn't even a number . . ."
Hard Moves:
- You won't impress them easily. If you try, expect to end up [exhausted] at a minimum, possibly [bruised], [degraded], or worse.
- That 'paying gig' might not pay enough for what it takes out of you. The client can't get this for free, after all.
- Having this professional's respect might do disasters for your respect from 'respectable people'.
- And this professional never likes others treating them as a 'dirty little secret'--hence their high fees for it.
- They might forget your lack of veteran expertise and world-weary wisdom, if they bring you to one of their favored milieus or discerning clients.
- Annoy them enough, and you won't realize it until they leave you somewhere vulnerable, holding the bag (metaphorical, anatomical, or contraband).
Simmering Suburbs
The 'community' has an official name, but no one uses it, or really knows the boundary it covers, simply referring to 'the neighborhood' or just 'the suburb'. The residents of this bedroom borough have other things to occupy their attention. Sure, everything looks tidy, buttoned down, and boring, but that just makes the denizens that much more desperate for distraction. Like the Apartments, several Moves here distinguish between your MC as a visitor, or a resident. It also combines well with the standard Picturesque Park, and most of MugenMart.
Soft Moves:
- You find a yard-sale well underway, people bustling around--and just look at this!
- A swingy, groovy beat and compelling voice draws you to a band playing in their garage. They actually sound really good.
- (Visitor): On the way to your friend's place, you see fluorescent signs on the street pointing toward--something. Your friend hasn't a clue, maybe you should check it out!
- (Resident): You don't really know them, but they've invited you, in person, to their pool party!
Normal Moves:
- The air smells of flowers, barbecue, burning leaves, and a whiff of weed.
- Amid the rustling leaves, insects, and birds, someone always has a lawnmower running, and you can always hear at least two radios playing.
- The cul-de-sacs, bushes, privacy fences, and houses on landscaped hills mean you can't actually see far in any direction.
- Still, you can always enjoy some nice . . . scenery with someone mowing a lawn or washing a car.
Hard Moves:
- You've heard of someone creeping, trespassing, even entering people's houses--but no one's identified them yet.
- The edge of the neighborhood runs into the woods like a wall, dense and dark and impenetrable.
- (Visitor): Two people from the local house of worship want you to join them! Why won't you join them? Your friend mentioned them, but--"we're not like what you think." "We have a . . . different belief."
- (Resident): Late at night, you hear--sounds from the shed behind your backyard. Tools, voices, and something else.
Genre Guidance
From its low-magic light-fantasy origins in Harem Tales, Mall Madness shows you can change a lot about genre, while keeping the core kind of story very much the same. And given the wild and surreal effects of the products and places in this supplement, and with the wider scope allowed by Omegalopolis™, you have everything you need to put your horny, preening, scheming MCs into a wide range of settings, in which to flaunt, flirt, befriend, backstab, and shop!
This section will explore three fairly workable *punk genres, ones that allow for some of the unspoken requirements to make Mall Madness MCs work, so to speak them now:
- Fairly dense population: any given person knows or interacts with a lot of people--and does not know a much larger number that they still might see or encounter.
- Moderate social cohesion: people adhere to a degree of orderly behavior and politeness norms, without necessarily instantly trusting and befriending everyone in sight.
- High social mobility: people may recognize themselves as part of a class or caste, but that membership could change with effort (or serious misfortune), and within one's own class, one still has a lot of latitude for 'superiority' or 'inferiority' to peers.
- Low deprivation and mortality: for the most part, a person has basic survival pretty well secured, at least to the point that they don't have to struggle to survive or ensure future survival.
Some genres have some implicit or default assumptions about sexuality or libertinism, but this section will not address that question, for a simple reason: as the creators of your setting and writers of your story, you and your fellow player(s) have a range of good and valid approaches you could take for your erotic escapades:
One, the free-love sex-positive version of the genre and setting, where no one bats an eye at any couple, triple, or moreple, and at worst might nudge someone out of the way if they fuck in the middle of a hallway. The other trappings and tropes of the genre and setting serve as set-dressing for your characters to fuck in, and maybe some other, non-sex-related character and plot drama may also occur. Non-sex-related, because you don't have any real conflict or strife regarding sex. In this extreme case, sex happens, but it takes really contrived circumstances to make that sex affect the plot or character relationships in a meaningful way.
Two, regressive, puritanical, or otherwise reactionary takes, where either no one fucks without social stigma, or who fucks whom under what conditions always comes with a pile of baggage. Maybe the law prohibits sex outside of matrimony, or maybe your peers sneer at opposite-sex romance, or maybe society considers penetrative partners as pathetic sexual objects. Here, all your character interactions, power dynamics, and plot events will have something to do with sex: resisting it, hiding it, getting away with it, getting with a forbidden partner, a forbidden partner getting it with you when you don't want it, facing the judgment (social or even legal) when the truth comes out--or if someone lies about you. In this extreme case, even if actual sex doesn't happen, the people in the setting have so much baggage they can't help but make everything about sex.
And of course you can play out anything between these two ridiculous extremes. Which means you can have prudish cyberpunk, or free-love steampunk, as long as you know why you want to use that setting, with that set of sexual mores. You'll have a better understanding of that than this supplement ever could, so this section will only consider "how do you put this kind of MC with these kinds of places to go and things to do, into that kind of genre setting".
One particular tool you might have forgotten till now will help a lot in adjusting this game, and your MCs, for new contexts and backgrounds: A Life Outside! The questions you answer there serve as wistful or even compelling motivations and tensions, in Closing §©:†þ and Closing Never, but for creating a new setting, or repurposing one you know, you'll find them much more directly useful for establishing your MCs' place in their world, what material problems they face, and what opportunities they have to solve them. Make sure to use this questionnaire and discussion to get a better understanding of your MCs, and the rest of the world! You needn't write an elaborate, detailed, consistent history of this alternate universe, but you do need to know how MCs survive, what practical interests they have (and don't have), and what social mores they enjoy and suffer from (and might violate (and face penalties for . . .))
Bruce Sterling once defined 'cyberpunk' as a genre: 'high tech, low life'. Technology has considerably advanced in ways that change everyone's lives and the very shape of society--but that shape includes a vast majority of the 'low-lives', the have-nots, impoverished and locked out of any real prospects or power. And William Gibson helpfully suggested 'the street finds its uses for things', that all these sophisticated products and inventions will always have applications far outside what the inventors and sellers expected. Indeed, one good piece of writerly advice rejects any fancy invention or wondrous magic, unless you--the writer--can think of at least three ways to misuse it. This supplement has slavishly followed that advice with every product and service: everything your MCs can buy or use, they can creatively misuse to cause problems for others, or run into problems themselves.
To apply this directly to a cyberpunk setting, a lot of the Peculiar Products, Weird Wares, and Bad Goods (or at least their effects) would make sense as 'skillware', designer drugs (legal or otherwise), even advanced entertainment, using transcranial sound, magnets, and vibration to alter someone's thoughts or perceptions (or implant new ones). Such sophisticated 'immersion' technology could even justify some of the more seemingly psychic or supernatural phenomena, such as the Sympathetic Screens or some effects (if not the processes) from Crystal Cove, Unnatural Wonders, or even Cultic Cove or Sacrilegious Spa. Swap the crystals and chanting for headsets and programming, and you have mental Statuses covered. As to the magical effects on social Statuses, consider paying to have The Algorithm hacked to your favor (or someone else's disfavor), flagging their profile and dinging their social credit score, for which, Alexander might lend a digital hand. Even combine these, for a sapient shared hallucination, such as the 'cosplayer' in Store-Specific Specialties.
For some more adventurous goods, the sex-organs from Stoner's Novelties and Gifts and the sensation and behavior-modifying piercings and tattoos of Industrial Ink make perfect sense as implants (possibly mandated by an employer, where corporations much more directly rule characters' lives, or forcibly installed by a gang). For a 'full-service' body-mod experience, look no further than The Harder Image, and for a more forced experience, Build-a-Babe can fix you up--or just give you the drone of your dreams. And to handwave away pesky delays like tissue healing and rejection, consider localized gene modification and controlled force-grown tumors, to quickly incorporate or excise living tissue, and grow or repurpose natural glands and organs.
On that biological note, designer genefixes and fashionable chromosome upgrades would suit Succulent Trees, Flower Shop, and beings from Psomgaram. Has the wider society accepted these deliberate 'mutations' as normal? Or did an enterprising entrepreneur with a CRISPR setup start selling 'DIY DNA', unknown to the rest of the world (yet)?
And going even farther afield, the numerous living mannequins and blow-up people might fill in for androids, gynoids, sexbots--or humans with extensive mental 'modification' to suit them to such a role. And digging deeper into Closing Never, the Digi-Dongle from Gruesome Garage gives an entry-point for brain-hacking, mind-imprisonment, and upload resleeving, while the Consuming Creatures Blue Angel, Clinging Clothes, and Whisper Wisp work just fine as militarized enforcer, forced behavior-mod chip or programming, and viral brainhack, respectively.
The pervasive branding of OmegaMall™ hardly needs any adjustment, at most a little intensification. More importantly, as a genre, cyberpunk varies pretty widely in whether the state or a government meaningfully exists, or affects the lives of ordinary people. While Strange Hours plays with these questions, it doesn't give any conclusive answers: the Slack Security and the Blue Angels might strongly resemble police, but they don't serve the law. They serve the mall.
And widening the scope to Omegalopolis™, you might also consider questions like the environment and ecology, whether any new futuristic plagues (natural or bioweapon) have affected life, and whether those implanted, upgraded, skill-chipped, genefixed, or otherwise altered but otherwise-ordinary people have formed their own communities and norms, or absorbed into wider society, or suffered (or caused) any conflicts.
As a loose interpretation of Victorian-ish era plus approximately plausible technological advances, steampunk's greatest offer as a genre comes from the tensions of a stilted aristocracy, waning in power and control against a rising and entrepreneurial middle- and merchant-class, and the aforesaid inventions starting to disrupt a stifling social order. But, the gothic literary influences give you some excuse to include a few hints or elements of the paranormal, the 'last gasps of magic', or the ghosts and demons not quite fled from 'the light of science and reason'. Even if those supernatural suggestions always end up unmasked as fanciful farces or scheming skullduggery, the culture and climate makes such premises and plots plausible for the characters themselves.
Less fantastical, but still allowing a touch of mystery, much of the world remained unknown (at least to the Victorians themselves), and popular culture and high society alike regularly buzzed with the latest discovery (or plundering) from far-off lands and reclusive peoples, as well as unearthed relics from the distant but local past. Combine these with the flurry of scientific discoveries, industrial innovations, and flat-out hoaxes, and even a hard-headed skeptic of the supernatural might give some credence to an incredible claim--or sight.
To put some of the mall's products into concrete context, the wild claims of patent tonics align pretty exactly with almost any of the Weird Wares candies and Peculiar Products drinks, though Monster Dick Energy and Nookies would strike (default) Victorian sensibilities as perhaps the most horrifying curse one might suffer. Which might make them fun to lean into.
To emphasize that social focus where steampunk excels, the tensions of the stratified society and a newly upwardly-mobile class make your MCs' Actions far more weighty, and make the risks of humiliation and social stigma far heavier too--for MCs and side-characters alike. While you might not have ready access to reliable photography, much less video, you can still use Statuses to incriminate a rival in 'improper' or outright outlawed activity: "Just look at her orange lips, an unmistakeable symptom of that odious Doctor Regina's Secretional Gumdrops, no doubt to inseminate dear Lord Oldcuck's wife!" "How preposterous! I haven't even a penis, you cad, and I definitely shan't show you my maidenhood!"
Keep the original Flashy Fashion, Sennsuous Spa, and Quixotic Quisine in mind as regular battlegrounds for your middling- to high-society MCs to socially spar and jeeringly joust in. Tailors, salons, and restaurants present some of the best excuses for characters to spend time close to each other, whether they like each other or not, and the staff consequently collect much more than tips, in the form of fodder for slander or even blackmail, if someone can assemble enough tarnishing tidbits into a tale.
Use these hypocrisies, contradictions, and latent conflicts between classes and Cliques wherever you can, and treat the mundane and fantastical products and services as weapons and armor. Loss of social standing could mean loss of livelihood, even condemning one to poverty--a fate just as bad as exile, when your family disowns you and your neighborhood expels you. So, a perfect place to put your hated rivals! Just take care it doesn't happen to your MC first . . . unless you enjoy that sort of dingy degradation.
You'll especially need Omegalopolis™' additional locations, and make frequent use of the Anxious Alleys, as the centralized commercial venues of a mall don't suit the period or its economy. And while an actual modern suburb bears little resemblance to crowded multi-storey tenements, the Moves of the Simmering Suburbs still suit a stroll through a close-knit but contentious community, especially in free combination with the Amorous Apartments. Likewise, for the more fantastical inventions and discoveries, the Central College's lab and Gadget Garage make a good backdrop for a newly devised contrivance of cogs and magnets, suitable to simulate the more paranormal products through aetheric compression, orgone accumulation, or Mesmeric projection.
You might also consider easier and more frequent forays into the original Obscured Offices for their rooftops, steamworks, and mechanical rooms, much larger and more prominent in building design of the period. And on the other end, while the majority of Closing Never has features far too uncanny for most steampunk, the rapid and reckless industrialization and development left some city quarters and townships scarcely distinguishable from the Abject Arcades or Corroded Commons. Indeed, you might even combine some elements of Cultic Cove and Sacrilegious Spa as a start for any hospital sanatorium, as the Hillside Hospital least suits this setting.
Myth and magic set in the Bronze Age of the Fertile Crescent and places adjacent, with shameless commingling of traditions and inaccuracies to attested historical and archeological record. While the real Bronze Age clearly had no magic, the people of the time believed in it as unremarkably as we believe in penicillin and vaccines. Accordingly, much as with steampunk, you may want to decide to just what degree you wish to include the supernatural: as real and common as the weather; or rare, remarkable, and debatable; or a silly superstition that everyone simply happens to believe in.
Far less debatable, the priesthood played an enormous role in daily life, for commoners and courtiers alike. Even if you don't ascribe them any supernatural powers in your story, their social powers can easily justify most any mental or social Status you could find in this supplement, if bestowed publicly as a blessing or curse. Your MC Ashurpal may find himself so emboldened by a blessed amulet that others treat his dick as [mythically monstrous]. Or your MC Ninshuba finds a malediction on her house so distressing her hair begins to fall out, leaving her [un-beddable].
Indeed, you likely will want to remix the original Sensuous Spa, Crystal Cove, Cultic Cove, and Sacrilegious Spa, combining elements of the mystery-cult secrecy, conditional provision of their services, and open practice in the public, as much as for any rules or effects.
On the other hand, many modern institutions such as libraries, restaurants, and indeed 'organized, self-contained shops' don't suit this period at all. Even an open-air bazaar strains the premise of 'a mall'--but make free and heavy use of the Frenetic Food Court, Picturesque Park, Plaza Parade, and Moves from the Corroded Commons, as the public streets and clearings played such a huge role in daily civic and social life . . . and the lack of any constabulary or law-enforcement made such gathering places dangerous as well as vibrant.
And while it might seem a strange suggestion, most of Vicarious Video and a peppering of Mondo Matinee can provide a good basis for watching a public performance by a poet, musician, or even a play. For the Vicarious Video Moves, you would necessarily always count as 'a guest', having no way to enjoy in private--and having others crowded around you, of whom one might prefer to enjoy you.
Leaving behind responsible historical context and accuracy, Depraved Dens have changed very little through history, and an especially insidious den might afflict some of their unwary attendees with enchantments or binding curses from the revised Industrial Ink, perhaps even enslaving characters who indulge to excess. But, perhaps the local temple could free you--for a fee, or services, or a quest at their bidding.
Or, you could undertake such an adventure yourself, with rumors of legendary garments once worn by heroes--but take care that their former wearers' spirits don't haunt or possess you. Indeed, a lot of renowned relics and Unnatural Wonders seem like a lot of trouble once you get them--and your MC hardly has the makings of a hero. Maybe they could study at the Warrior Warehouse, or even join in one of the many and regular small skirmish-wars with other city-states, claiming treasure or even a bride or groom, with Lethal Loading-Dock as a base. Overhanging Offices would take more imagination and creative re-writing, but has many elements of invading an inhabited village or city, applicable to an inexpert and uncommitted conscript for the city-state's king.
Lastly, consider consulting Harem Tales itself, the game from which Mall Madness first arose as a supplement, going literally back to the source. Most of its Actions and all of its social emphasis apply to this game, and it aims for a historical yet fantasized milieu for MCs. It may not suit your MCs, who (notionally) do not belong to a captive harem (yet), but many Moves from those ACs may apply directly, or help inspire adjustments here, and . . . you never know when your MCs might move down, or up, in society, perhaps even prompting Harem Tales' section on creating entirely new Actions, to suit your needs.